
阅读理解 We all know the names of certain famous male inventors throughout history, from Galileo to Alexander Graham Bell to Steve Jobs. Do you know the outstanding ladies listed below? Margaret Knight (1838-1914) Margaret Knight was nicknamed “the lady Edison'' for her productive inventions which included a safety device for textile looms, shoe manufacturing machines, a rotary engine and internal combustion engine (内燃机), among many others. Knight received 27 patents in her lifetime. Josephine Cochran(1839-1913) Cochrane, a wealthy woman who entertained often, wanted a machine that2009年1月,我国正式进入移动通信的3G时代,移动通信实际上是利用电磁波传递信号的,那么信号在空中传递的速度约为3×1083×108m/s.
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