
下列关于无机盐的叙述,错误的是() A . 缺铁性贫血是因为体内缺乏铁,导致血红蛋白合成不足 B . 镁是叶绿素的成分之一,缺镁影响光合作用 C . 细胞中的无机盐大多数以化合物形式存在,如CaCO3是人体的骨中的重要成分. D . 碘是合成甲状腺激素的原料,所以有些地区在食盐中加碘以预防地方性甲状腺肿任务型阅读。阅读短文,根据其内容完成下列任务。Yesterday evening I went to see a film. After I went into the cinema, I began to look for my seat. It was Number 18, Row 18. I found it easily, but I saw a soldier(士兵) sitting on it. I walked to him and told him that the seat was mine. He said with a smile, “Oh, sorry. My seat is next to yours. Would you like to take that seat and leave this one to me?”I looked at his seat. It was broken and had no back, so I disagreed. But he still wanted to change our seats. I was   ①   and said loudly, “I don’t want to do that. Are you trying to bully (欺负) me as a soldier?” After   ②   this, the soldier stood up and moved to his seat.Then I saw my seat was much worse than his seat. There was only a piece of wood (木头) left. It would be very uncomfortable to sit on it. Now I knew why the soldier wanted to change his seat with me. I felt very sorry. The soldier again asked me to take his seat, but I didn’t do that. I sat on the piece of wood till the film finished.【小题1】请根据短文内容,分别写出①、②两处所缺单词。(每空限填一词)① ________________  ② ________________【小题2】判断下列句子正 (T) 误 (F)。A. It was a little difficult for the writer to find his or her seat in the cinema. (    )B. The soldier wanted to take the writer’s seat because it was worse than the solder’s seat(    )【小题3】把上文中画线的句子译成汉语。________________________________________【小题4】根据短文内容,回答下列问题。Did the soldier want to bully the writer? _______________________________________【小题5】What was the soldier’s seat like? _______________________________________________________________
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