
完形填空 Next to our school there is a store.It's 1 , but there are lots of school things 2 it.Do you and your friends 3 books,pens or 4?Please come to the store.They 5those things at a very good 6.Big erasers are just two yuan7.And small erasers are only one yuan.The pens are just on sale 8 three yuan.Oh,I like that cartoon pencil sharpener.9 at the price! It's only two yuan. I'll take 10.Do you want school things?Just come here and see for yourself. (1) A . short B . small C . long D . big (2) A . in B . of C . o第十六届亚洲运动会闭幕式于2010年11月27日晚在广州海心沙广场隆重举行。下列历史事件涉及到广州的有①明清时期只开放广州一处为通商口岸 ②广州是近代史上开放通商口岸最早的城市之一 ③康有为在广州创办万木草堂,宣传维新思想④抗日战争时期,广州、武汉的失守标志着抗战进入相持阶段A.①②③④B.①③④C.①②③D.②③④
英语 试题推荐