
听材料,回答问题。 (1) Why do the speakers have a big party tonight? A . To celebrate their parents' birthday. B . To celebrate the children's birthday. C . To celebrate their parents' wedding anniversary. (2) What gift do the speakers want to send their parents? A . Traveling. B . Some books. C . A birthday cake. (3) What does the man think of the woman? A . Super. B . Thoughtful. C . Wonderful.溴(Br)与氯同属“卤族”元素,其单质在性质上具有很大的相似性,但Cl2比Br2的活泼性强,下面是根据氯的性质对溴的性质的预测,其中不正确的是 A.溴单质常温下为液态,但极容易挥发为溴蒸气 B.溴单质只具有氧化性 C.溴原子最外层有7个电子,在化学反应中容易得1个电子,表现氧化性 D.溴离子可以用AgNO3酸性溶液来检验
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