
北方冬天的清晨,经常看到房间的玻璃窗上有美丽的“窗花”,这是(选填“室内”或“室外”)空气中的水蒸气遇冷(填物态变化名称)形成的。从冰箱冷藏室中取出的盒装酸奶在空气中放置一段时间后,酸奶盒表面会附有一层小水珠。这是空气中的水蒸气热量(填物态变化名称)形成的。 答案:【1】室内【2】凝华【3】放出【4】液化  Fred lives with six hundred wild animal on a small island. 1______ Ever since he left school, he travelled all over Africa   2_______ collected animals for his zoo. He hoped to collect two   3_______ animals of each kind on his island. Fred told me that when 4_______ he was out looking for water last week (there is no enough 5_______ water on the island), he found oil. He needs the money   6_______ for his zoo, and a little oil will buy enough water in a   7_______ lifetime; but he knows that if he tells anybody about it,  8_______ it will be the end of his zoo or his life's work. So, if I 9_______ know my friend, I will not tell others about what he found. 10________
物理 试题推荐