
船闸是利用的原理工作的,第一个准确测出大气压强值的实验是实验。 答案:【1】连通器【2】托里拆利短文改错   Mrs. Smith is 70 years old. She had a club. It is a (1)________ walking club. There are now ten people in the club, but (2)________ most of whom are old people like herself. The people walk (3)________ two mile every day. They walk very quickly because that (4)________ is a good way to keep health. When it is too cold to walk (5)________ outside in the winter, they have to walk in the club. They all (6)________ wear T-shirts these words on them “I Love Walking”. (7)________ Something interested happened to the walking club one (8)________ day. A dog began to walk after them. Soon, there were two (9)________ more dogs. Now the walking club has both people and dogs are walking every day. (10)_______
物理 试题推荐