
英才文具店4月1日-7日的销售额如下表: 日期1234567 销售额(元)788812795790830750842 请你估一估,文具店这7天的销售额约是元,照这样的情况,请你推算英才文具店4月份的销售额大约是元。 答案:【1】5600【2】24000 根据提示,完成下列短文。   The Red Cross is an international o   1  .It provides a number of services for the public, such as c   2   for people, teaching them the k   3   of the first-aid(急救)and helping people in need.   Mary is a 20-year-old girl.Her mother is proud of her because she is a Red Cross nurse.As soon as Mary finished school, she j   4   the Red Cross and was t   5   as a nurse.She was taught that if she meets an accident, she should give the first-aid at once and then s   6   for a doctor.   One day, there was an accident in a busy street.When Mary arrived soon, she saw a woman who had been knocked down by a car l   7   on the street.Mary told the crowd she is a Red Cross nurse and began to help the woman.She gave the woman a small m   8   treatment at once.After a while, an ambulance(救护车) arrived.The woman was very g   9   to Mary.Mary said,“You're welcome.It's my d   10  !”
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