
阅读理解 I waited in line for hours in Central Park for tickets toShakespeare, so I could share my experience with you. I hope my experience willbe helpful to you! ⒈Plan for the weather. You'll be sitting outside for several hours waiting fortickets. If it's going to be a sunny day, bring sun cream and water. If youthink it might rain, bring your umbrella or raincoat. If the day promises to beunseasonably cool, you'll be happy you've brought a sweater or jacket along. ⒉Keep yourself entertained. Bring an iPad, a good book, some magazines or even some workalong with you to pass the time如图所示是研究匀变速直线运动的实验中得到的一条纸带,交流电的频率是50HZ。舍去前面比较密集的点,从0点开始将每5个点取做1个计数点,量得s1=1.20cm,s2=2.60cm,s3=4.00cm,那么小车的加速度a=_________m/s2;{zxxk007}第2点的瞬时速度大小v2=__________m/s。
英语 试题推荐