
阅读理解 A few years back I worked in a university building that alsohoused a department full of psychologists, all of whom seemed to see us asperfect guinea pigs(豚鼠) for their latest theories. If an eagergraduate student showed up in my office bearing desserts and asked me to pickone, I'd cast a careful glance and ask Why? before grabbing theapple pie. So one day, when someone from the Psychology Departmentposted instructions in the bathroom persuading all of us to Think aboutfive things for which you're grateful every day for a week! my responsewas frankly doubtful. I did the math. F关于台湾省地理特征的叙述,正确的是(  ) A、西隔台湾海峡与福建省相望B、河流短小,水能资源贫乏C、农业是台湾省经济的主要支柱D、台北既是全省最大城市,也是全省最大港口
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