
阅读下列材料,回答下面小题。 小明购买了小米手环6(NFC版),他可以通过蓝牙和手机连接,通过语音可以控制家里的智能家居。他还用这个手环刷门禁,坐公交,还可以进行支付宝、微信离线支付,并且能记录了他一天的运动情况,检测自己的睡眠和心率情况。 (1) 小米手环具有语音识别功能,其主要使用的技术是( ) A . 虚拟现实技术 B . 多媒体技术 C . 人工智能技术 D . 增强现实技术 (2) 上述的“刷门禁,坐公交刷卡”等功能阅读理解       Anna lives in a village. It is a little far from her school. She goes to school by train every day. It takes her 30 minutes to get to school. Anna can do many things during (在....... 期间) the trip to and from school.  Anna often does these activities (活动) :  Do some reading.  Do homework.  Write e-mails.  Write English words.  Listen to music.       Anna never talks to people on the train because she likes being alone. Anna often writes e-mails to her three friends.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。1. Where does Anna live?2. How does Anna go to school?3. Does Anna listen to music on the train?4. Why does Anna never talk to people on the train?5. Who does Anna often write e-mails to?
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