
听下面一段对话, 回答问题。 (1) Whose CD is this? A . Sam's. B . Linda's. C . Bob's. (2) What kind of music does the girl like? A . The music that she can sing along with. B . The music that she can dance to. C . The music that has great lyrics. (3) What does the girl think of Jay Chou? A . He is so great. B . He can sing very well. C . He doesn't sing the words clearly sometimes.现有某一含2mol/L的Mg2+、2mol/L的Al3+的氯化镁和氯化铝溶液20ml。 (1)该溶液中Cl—物质的量浓度是               ;要将溶液中Mg2+ 转化为沉淀完全分离,至少需加入3.0mol/L的NaOH溶液         mL。 (2)若要配制上述所需NaOH溶液,需要称量的固体质量为        ,需要的玻璃仪器除了烧杯还有      、      、        。 (3)人们常将配制过程简述如下:①冷却;②洗涤烧杯中的液体;③称量;④溶解;⑤定容;⑥摇匀;⑦移液。其正确的操作顺序是                     。(填各步骤序号、不重复) (4)若在上述配制过程中没有进行冷却这一步操作,则所配制溶液的浓度将             (填“偏高”,“偏低”或“不变”,下同);若采用俯视刻度线的方法进行定容,则所配制溶液的浓度将               。
英语 试题推荐