
读后续写One very hot morning,Mrs. Carr was occupied in doing housework in the kitchen, with her two kids TomCarr and his sister Dot playing in the yard. Tom was nine years old, but Dotwas only three, and Tom took very great care of his little sister.Suddenly a man rushedhurriedly into the yard. It was Mr. May, who lived at the next station, whichis a big farm in Australia. Fire! he cried, Fire! One of theworst fires I ever saw in my life. Come along, Carr, and bring all yourhands, Mr. Carr called his men out, and away they all rode. Staybehind, sweeties! warned Mrs. Carr from the window of读下图回答下面各小题。1.关于四个地区农业的叙述,正确的是( )①乙地处云贵高原,以畜牧业为主 ②甲、乙均是重要的粮棉产区③丙地粮食作物以冬小麦为主 ④丁地区属于商品谷物农业A.①② B.②④C.①③ D.③④2.图中四个地区农业可持续发展的方向为( )①甲地区要扩大灌溉面积,提高粮食产量②乙地区要大量开垦荒地,提高人均耕地面积③丙地区要注意盐碱地的改造,提高单位面积产量④丁地区要大力发展机械化生产,提高农产品的商品率A.①② B.②③C.①④ D.③④
英语 试题推荐