
对下图反映的气候类型的叙述,正确的是() A . 雨热同期,利于作物生长 B . 夏季降水少,阳光充足 C . 亚洲缺少此气候类型 D . 反映了沙漠地区的气候特点 答案:B根据括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He _______ (hang) with his friends last night so he get up late this morning.2. There are many _______ (visit) in Huang Shan every year.3. Who _______ (teach) you English last term?4. We are having a _______ (meet) the day after tomorrow.5. Mei Lanfang _______ (become) a Beijing Opera actor when he was ten.6. Everyone should _______ (sleep) for more than eight hours to be healthy.7. We went _______ (camp) on our last school trip.8. What did you _______ (buy) for Li Fang as a present?9. It looks _______ (like) her mother very much.10. He _______ (real) likes to watch TV shows.
地理 试题推荐