
阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I still keep the photo taken by my mom and treasure it as mylife. That was many years ago when I was taking summer 1 in college and was moving into an apartment. Iwas carrying two 2 with everything that I was going to need to 3 the6 weeks of classes. It is the last time I can remember ever traveling that 4. Since then my possessions have 5. Though most of them like my furnitureare 6, there are occasions when I feel 7 down by all of them. I am sure that I willneed two 如图是“尾气催化转换器”将汽车尾气中有毒气体转变为无毒气体的微观示意图,其中不同的圆球代表不同原子.下列说法错误的是( )A.此反应有单质生成B.原子在化学变化中是不可分的C.汽车尾气中有毒气体可能是CO和NOD.参加反应的两种分子的个数比为2:3
英语 试题推荐