
有如下VB程序段: key = Val(Text1.Text): cnt=10 For i = 1 To cnt - 1n = key - a(i)L = i + 1: R = cntDo While L <= R m = (L + R) \ 2 If a(m) = n Then Exit Do If a(m) > n Then R = m - 1 Else L = m + 1LoopIf L <= R Then Text2.Text = Str(key - a(m)) + , + Str(a(m)) Next i 在数组a(1)~a(10)中存储的数据依次为“1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100”,在Text1中输入一个不大于200的数,执行该程序后,Text2中显示的内容可能是() A . 1,99 B . 36,64 C . 81,25 D . 100,100完成对话。A: Good morning. 1. _________B: I'd like to see some blouses, please. A: We have some cotton ones hanging here, and some silk ones over there. 2. _________ B: I'd like to look at the cotton ones, please.A: Fine. Please take your time. When you need me, I'll come at once.B: Oh, Sandra, they look lovely, but 3. _________. I want to take your advice. Do you like the blue one or the red one? C: I prefer the red one. But they are both a little expensive, I think. B: Yes … well, let's ask the shop assistant for help. Excuse me, Miss, 4. ________ A: Sorry, we don't. Maybe lower price means it's not good. B: I see. Well, let me try on this red one then. C: (To the shop assistant) Now, Miss, would you show me some long woolen socks? They must be strong and thick, but soft as well.A: Sorry. But 5. _________B: On the third floor? OK, I'll go there later. 1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______
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