
十九大以来,全国参加城镇职工基本养老保险、城乡居民基本养老保险、基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险人数持续快速增长。享受城市居民最低生活保障、农村居民最低生活保障、农村特困人员救助供养、临时救助、医疗救助人次明显增加,国家抚恤、补助退役军人和其他优抚对象不断扩大。这体现我国() ①城乡统筹的多层次社会保障体系不断完善 ②通过国民收入的再次分配以促进社会公平 ③覆盖全民的社会保障体系最为成熟和 Emma’s friend, Tom, had a beautiful new lunch box.“It’s nice,’’ Emma told Tom. Then she ________ her lunch box. It was really old.Emma wanted to have a new lunch box, too. But she knew that her parents did not have more ____ for it. Emma wanted to ________ a new lunch box, but she only had a little money. She couldn’t think of _______ ways to get a new lunch box, either.The next day at school, Mrs. Robinson gave the class a _______. Emma did well in it, ________ she got a smiley face sticker(笑脸贴纸). Emma had a(n) _______. She put the sticker on her lunch box.As the days went by, Emma _______ more and more stickers from her teacher for her good _______ in class. Each time, Emma put the sticker on her lunch box. Soon, Emma’s lunch box was covered with (被……覆盖) smiley face stickers. “Those smiley faces make me _______,” Tom told Emma one day at Lunch, “You have a great lunch box”. Emma smiled. She loved her lunch box much more.【1】A.watchedB.drewC.described【2】A.timeB.moneyC.food【3】A.cleanB.bringC.buy【4】A.otherB.differentC.healthy【5】A.boxB.lessonC.test【6】A.soB.butC.if【7】A.dreamB.flagC.idea【8】A.heardB.knewC.got【9】A.wayB.workC.painting【10】A.happyB.tiredC.lucky
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