
阅读理解It's a land where winter darknessis long, and summers bring continuous sunlight.However, people are very happyin Finland, despite the country's natural challenges. Last month, the nation wasnamed the happiest on Earth, according to the 2018 World Happiness Report releasedby the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.The Finns certainly have a highrange of happiness, Eric Weiner wrote in his 2008 book The Geography of Bliss.There's a stereotype (刻板印象) that Finns are introverted (内向的) and shy, because they oftenstay silent. But in fact, “for Finns, it is extreme在“用单摆测重力加速度”的实验中,某同学的操作步骤为:a.取一根细线,下端系住直径为d的金属小球,上端固定在铁架台上;b.用米尺量得细线长度lc.在摆线偏离竖直方向5°位置释放小球d.用秒表记录小球完成n次全振动的总时间t,得到周期T=t/ne.用公式g=4π2lT2计算重力加速度按上述方法得出的重力加速度值与实际值相比偏小偏小(选填“偏大”、“相同”或“偏小”).
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