
结合语境,根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空。 (1) Although we had interviewed many people, there were no suitable (候选人) for the job. (2) His home destroyed in a (台风), he was in desperate need of basic necessities. (3) The (小说家) lost her (珍贵的) necklace on her way home. (4) The original (文件) has been lost or destroyed. (5) Enjoying the sunshine on the (阳台), grandma can still keep an eye on the children.(本小题满分12分) 如图,已知三棱锥P=ABC中,PA⊥PC,D为AB的中点,M为PB的中点,且AB=2PD. (1)求证:DM//面PAC; (2)找出三棱锥P—ABC中一组面与面垂直的位置关系,并给出证明(只需找到一组即可).
英语 试题推荐