
中国式纺织业生产和出口大国,中国纺织业连续十年保持世界市场占有率第一。其中浙江纺织业古已有之,近年为应对市场的冲击,增强纺织业的可持续发展。循环生态养蚕模式逐渐成为新的模式。杭州扶西村在杭州市农办、市财政局的支持下,自2008 年开始建设该项目。桑畜综合利用示范园区已列为“天目彩虹”引智工程重点项目。主要流程图如下: (1) 窖井中往往会产生一种可燃性气体,属于(选填“单质”、“化合物”或“混合物” ) 短文填空   DINOSAURS   Dinosaurs lived on earth more than sixty(1)________ years ago.This was a long time before people(2)________.There were millions of dinosaurs.They lived(3)________.Some were as small as chickens.Others were a(4)________ as ten elephants.Some dinosaurs had wings and could(5)________.   Many dinosaurs were harmless.They were as gentle as sheep and ate plants.Others were(6)________.They were fiercer than tigers and ate meat,(7)________ most other dinosaurs.   Dinosaurs all died suddenly.(8)________ knows why.We know about the lives of dinosaurs from the skeletons, eggs and footprints they left(9)________.   DISNEY, WALT   Disneyland is a famous(10)________ park in the United States of America.There are also Disneyland Parks in Japan and France.Disneyland Park was(11)________ by Walt Disney(1901-1966), who is famous for his cartoon(12)________:Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Snow White and many others.   Walt was born in the USA.After(13)________ school and studying art at night, he sold newspapers and delivered(14)________.Finally he got a job that he really liked drawing cartoons for(15)________.
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