
请仔细阅读Ⅰ栏题中的信息,从Ⅱ栏A-F中选择与其内容相匹配的选项(其中1项为多余选项)。 ⅠⅡ I' m Nick Smith.Tony Green has a telephone.I'm Mary. Nice to meet you.This is an ID card.Under the bed.A. His family name is Green. And his telephone number is 4385724.B. My name is Alan. Nice to meet you, too.C. Where is my ID card? I can't find it.D. John Smith is my father I'm Nick. I'm 12 years old.E. That's my ID card. Its number is 34894759.F. This pen is black. And it's Jim's.四天之内,四次触发“熔断”。尽管监管层的措辞还是“暂停”,但“熔断机制”改革也许将成为中国证券史上时间最短的重大变革之一。“熔断机制”与股市本身一样,属于“舶来品”,可简单理解为:当股票涨跌幅度达到某个“阈值”点位时,暂停或停止交易。“熔断机制”①能较好的保障股民的投资安全和收益②旨在促进我国资本市场的稳定与发展③说明我国市场经济体制需要进一步完善④可以有效地提高我国企业管理的科学性A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.①④
英语 试题推荐