
下面植物利用种子进行繁殖的一组是() A . 水绵、衣藻、满江红、柳树 B . 海带、葫芦藓、菜豆、玉米 C . 莱豆、小麦、银杏、桑树 D . 石花菜、墙藓、胃蕨、槐树 答案:C读短文判断正误。对的打√,错的打×。There're five members in my family —— my parents , my grandparents, and me . My mother is a teacher. She teaches Chinese in our school. She likes music. My father is a teacher, too. He teaches art in the Guang Ming primary school. He likes going hiking. My grandmother is a worker. She likes reading books. My grandfather is a scientist. He likes playing chess. I am Betty. I'm in Shi Yan primary school. I like singing and dancing. Look! I have a happy big family. Isn't it?( ) 1. Betty’s father teaches Chinese.( ) 2.Betty’s mother likes going hiking.( ) 3. Betty likes singing and dancing. ( ) 4. Betty’s grandmother likes reading books.( ) 5. Betty’s grandfather is a teacher.
科学 试题推荐