
根据题意,选择恰当的选项填入横线中。How to become a better runner This is meant for runners in high school .If you want to become a better runner, then here are several things you can do. Connect with your team if you are new. .You can ask them for advice and hang out with them outside of practice! If you have a workout,don’t slack off(松懈) ever.This will never improve your performance . .I know some people say they do it just to stay in shape,but if you want to stay in shape you have to work for it! Run 6 out of the 7 days in a week, but don’t work out on your d关于中国古代不同思想理论的集大成者,下列表述正确的是( )A.儒家思想集大成者是孔子B.法家思想集大成者是荀子C.理学集大成者是陆九渊D.心学集大成者是王守仁
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