
阅读理解B Hello! My name is Aria. I am from the USA. I have a big family. My mother's name is Laura and my father's name is Peter. My parents are very nice. They have black hair (头发). My parents have three children. They are my brother Tim, David and me. My father has a sister. Her name is Olivia and she is my aunt. My mother has two brothers. Their names are Richard and William and they are my uncles. I also have my grandparents and my cousins Jacob, Kevin and Chloe. I have a dog. Its name is Pirate. I love my family and my dog.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。 (1“封管试验”具有简易、方便、节约、绿色等优点。观察下列四个“封管试验”(夹持装置未画出),判断下列说法正确的是A.加热时,a上部聚集了固体NH4Cl,说明NH4C1的热稳性比较好 B.加热时,发现b中I2变为紫色蒸气,在上部又聚集为紫黑色的固体 C.加热时,c中溶液红色变深,冷却后又变浅 D.水浴时,d内气体颜色变浅,e内气体颜色加深 
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