
阅读理解British birdwatcher areused to bad news. House sparrow numbers have fallen from an estimated 30m to10m since 1966. Curlews (杓鹬) have become a rare sight,their numbers sharply declining by 50% in 15 years. Cuckoos (布谷鸟), once-frequent visitorsfrom Africa, have decreased by 63% in the south-east in the past two decades. Earliersprings that confuse migrant birds, more efficient farming and thetransformation of ruined buildings (good for nesting) into modern homes haveall contributed to these woes. But data released by theBritish Trust for Ornithology(BTO), a research charity一个几何体的三视图如图所示,则该几何体的外接球的表面积为(  ) A、36πB、8πC、92πD、278π
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