
用同一酒精灯分别给质量相等的甲、乙两种物质加热,根据测量数据绘制成如图所示图像。由图可知:甲物质的温度比乙物质的温度升高得(选填“快”或“慢”),甲物质的比热容(选填“大于”或“小于”)乙物质的比热容。若让它们降低相同的温度,物质放出的热量多。 答案:【1】快【2】小于【3】乙11.E:Eric   F:FrankEric isn't well.He has got a headache.He meets Frank on his way to a medicine shop.F:Hi,Eric!You look terrible.(77)CE:I'm not feeling well.I have a headache.F:Sorry to hear that.(78)AE:For two days.F:Maybe you have a bad cold.(79)DE:I guess I should.F:.(80)BE:No.I'll take some medicine first and see how it goes.F:I hope you'll feel better soon.A.How long have you been like this?B.You'd better go and see a doctor.C.What's wrong?D.You should have a good rest and take some medicine.
物理 试题推荐