
社会主义革命和事业是20世纪影响最为广泛的事件。阅读下列材料:材料一:十月革命一声炮响,给我们送来了马克思列宁主义。——毛.泽东材料二:2014年3月4日,李克强总理看望出席全国政协十二届二次会议的委员时,用自己在安徽凤阳“插队”(城市知识青年下乡劳动)的经历解释“改革红利”(收益)。——《中华网》材料三:戈尔巴乔夫高唱着“忠于十月革命的理想,忠于社会主义的选择”的口号,却在1990年召开的中央全会上,提出了修Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项完成短文).Although the first airplane did not fly until 1903, flying soon became the fastest method of transport. Today it is ________ people’s favourite way of traveling long distances because it has a lot of advantages. The first airplane were not big or powerful enough to carry more than a pilot, but during the First World War (1914-1918. larger aircraft with up to four engines were ________to carry bombs (炸弹). After the war some of these were changed to carry a few passenger services.In 1919 the first regular passenger services were started between several cities in Europe.Air transport was even then too ________ for most cargoes (货物), but mail began to carried by air at an early stage. This was partly because letters are small and light, and partly because businessmen, especially, were prepared to pay more for their mail to be delivered by the fastest method. ________ , in the United States, where letters could take over a week to cross the country by train, airmail services the first regular transport flights.The early passenger aircraft could carry only about 12 passengers, and only enough ________for short journeys. For long distances, such as from Europe to the United states, filled with very light gas and able to float through the air, began to be used in the 1930s.By the end of the Second World War in 1945, much larger airplanes had been made. At the same time, military (军事的) airfields had been built all over the world, and long-distance routes had been set up. After the war, the introduction of the jet engine, which ________much greater power, allowed even bigger and faster aircraft to be built. Today’s wide-bodied airplanes can carry as many as 800 passengers.Modern air transport passenger services are quite convenient. Air transport has allowed more people to travel abroad than ever before.1.A. quietly B. easily C. directly D. recently2.A. recognized B. considered C. developed D. described3.A. expensive B. ordinary C. traditional D. private4.A. After all B. For example C. In addition D. On average5.A. time B. money C. food D. fuel6.A. produces B. attracts C. reuses D. spreads
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