
我国老百姓的主食一般呈现出“北麦南稻”的格局,但在魏晋南北朝时期,南方老百姓的餐桌上除了常见的稻米饭外,还有面食、粟米饭等北方食品,出现这种现象的主要原因是( ) A . 南方人口增多 B . 南方商品经济的发展 C . 面食的营养价值更高 D . 人口南迁和民族融合的影响 答案:D听问句,选择适当的答语。 (     )1. A. Very pretty relaxed rules.            B. They have many rules.            C. They like these rules. (     )2. A. In China you can talk while you are eating.            B. We have different rules in different countries.           C. You can make noise when you are eating noodles. (     )3. A. Yes, I could.            B. No, I couldn't.            C. Sorry, I don't know. (     )4. A. My friends like hanging there.            B. It is very interesting.            C. The air there isn't fresh. (     )5. A. Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right.            B. Yes, you can go there with your parents.           C. The department store is about 10 minutes' walk.
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