
下图是对1890—1926年间关键词“革命与维新、改革、改良”使用频率所作的统计。它可以说明(    ) A . 坚信革命必然取代改良维新的信心增强 B . 此时段“革命”出现频率高于“维新、改良” C . 认识到改良或革命都是时代的迫切需要 D . 赞成革命,怀疑、否定维新与改良 答案:C阅读表达     While it can seem almost impossible to get rid of stress from your life, some simple steps can make you more easily to face it.It is important to develop a lifestyle that is in line with your values, beliefs and attitudes.If you value family time, make the time to spend with the family.Likewise, if one of your values is good health, make the time to exercise.     Preventing stress need not be as hard as you think.Here are a few simple strategies that you may like to incorporate into your life.They may just help your life to be a little simpler and less stressful.     1. Dance     Get your body moving.Whether you do a waltz, jive, salsa or contemporary dance, as long as you have comfortable shoes, dancing is a great way to both get fit and reduce stress.Exercise_of_any_kind_releases_some_kind_of_chemical_substances_into_your_body_system_and_these_are_good_friends_your_body_needs_to_maintain_good_mental_health.So get moving and feel great.     2. Sing     Sing along in the car.Singing like dancing releases builtup tension in the body.Let it all out.Sometimes a good sing along is as good as yelling or screaming________.     3. Learn to say no     Only say yes to something after you have considered both options.If you do not consider both options then chances are that you are only saying yes out of fear of the consequences of saying no.Next time you are asked something, think before you answer.If you need to get some practice in saying no, why not say "Let me think about that, and I will get back to you."?This way you can think about it and if you feel like saying yes you can.     4. Get a life coach     This will help you to set goals and keep you on track to achieve them.A life coach is also a cheerleader, teacher and someone who will hold you accountable to your actions.     5. Cry if you want to     Tears can help the body to release tension.Sometimes all we need is a good cry to feel better.     6. Plan your own time     Schedule time that is not allocated for any activity and use it to do whatever you want.Do not feel guilty if all you want is a sleep.Watch a movie, read a trashy magazine and chat on the phone with a friend.Whatever you want to do is fine.1. What is the best title of the passage?(within 10 words)________________________________________________________________________2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?You are possibly to say yes just because you are not sure if you say no what will happen, if you don't think through.________________________________________________________________________3. Fill in the blank with proper words.(within 5 words)________________________________________________________________________4. Give another tip that you think is useful to reduce stress and give your reason.(within 20 words)________________________________________________________________________5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.________________________________________________________________________
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