
阅读理解Does it matter if alanguage dies out? The traditional answer is yes, because every language is arepository (智囊) of ideas and culture andrepresents a unique way of looking at the world. The planet only has about7,000 languages; the extinction of even one decreases the sum total of humanknowledge.But in some cases,extinction can be seen in a more positive light. Take Al-Sayyid Bedouin SignLanguage (ABSL) for example, restricted to about 1,000 users in a small Israelivillage with a high level of born deafness, the language seems to be bound todie by the spread of Israeli sign lang要增强螺线管的磁性,下列措施中不可行的是(  )A.插入铜棒B.插入铁棒C.增大电流D.增加线圈匝数
英语 试题推荐