
阅读下列材料,回答(1)--(3)题。①中国文化中的“超越”因素比世界上任何文化都少。中国人没有超越世界之上的上帝观念,也没有来世观念。中国的知识阶层里纵有对世俗采取批判的态度,也只是用一个放在古代的被理想化了的人间关系,来批判眼前的世俗关系。士大夫阶层可以将对一般人来说是外在的人间关系内省化,由“格物致知”出发,经“正心”“诚意”“修身”,到“齐家”“治国”“平天下”。但是,士大夫阶层没有真正推翻按阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Five-year-old Marry loved to play in the street with her friends. This made her parents __41__. They did __42__ to keep her off the street. __43__, day after day they found her out there. Thankfully, the street wasn’t very __44__. But it was often traveled by soldiers and sometimes they would drive very fast.          Every time he drove by the lifeless animal that had __45__ in the road, Steven __46__ think of his daughter. And so he continued trying to teach her the __47__— with little __48__. Then one day as Steven was driving home, he saw something that helped __49__ an idea, which became an action by the time he got home. He walked over to where Marry was playing.          “Come on, sweetheart,” he said. “You and Daddy are going for a __50__.”          They drove back along the way he had just traveled, finally __51__ just behind a mound (堆) of something.          “What is it, Daddy?” Marry asked as they got out of the __52__.          “Look __53__, but don’t touch it,” Steven said. “Can’t you tell what it is?”          She studied it for a few minutes, unsure of its __54__ until she picked out its familiar ears. “A rabbit! What happened?” Marry asked.          “It was playing in the road, and a car came along and ...”          “... and squished (压扁) it?” Marry broke __55__.          “That’s right,” Steven said. “It got squished because it was playing in the road.”          “Yuck!” Marry said. For the first time, Steven saw __56__ in his daughter’s eyes.          The next evening, when Steven drove by a group of children playing in the street, he __57__ what Marry was shouting from the sidewalk.          “Come on, you guys! Stop playing in the street, __58__ you’ll get squished!”          So, if your message isn’t getting through to others, no matter how many times you __59__ it, you should try something __60__. This is Steven’s lesson. 1.A. disappointed                   B. worried                    C. ashamed                          D. puzzled 2.A. something                 B. nothing                   C. anything                           D. everything 3.A. Thus                              B. Still                                    C. Then                                 D. Also 4.A. flat                                     B. dirty                              C. wide                              D. busy 5.A. wandered                    B. banned                   C. competed                        D. gathered 6.A. might                       B. could                                  C. would                               D. need 7.A. accident                           B. experience                  C. lesson                      D. practice 8.A. success                            B. hope                       C. approval                     D. panic 9.A. create                                    B. discover                           C. decide                              D. cause 10.A. walk                                      B. ride                                   C. talk                                    D. visit 11.A. stopping                     B. passing                    C. staying                     D. hiding 12.A. bus                          B. car                       C. train                               D. boat 13.A. quietly                                 B. deliberately                     C. closely                              D. steadily 14.A. weight                                  B. color                                 C. identity                   D. shape 15.A. out                                       B. in                            C. away                         D. through 16.A. delight                       B. understanding                   C. anger                                D. regret 17.A. realized                          B. watched                            C. heard                                D. felt 18.A. or                                          B. and                                    C. but                               D. yet 19.A. represent                            B. respond                           C. repeat                    D. refresh 20.A. funny                                   B. simple                               C. easy                                  D. different
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