
听短文,补全句子。 (1) To the writer, music is and water. (2) Music is in our life no matter you pay attention to it or not. (3) If you are waiting for a train, a piece of music will the time seem shorter. (4) Some people enjoy listening to the of the sea or the singing of the birds. (5) In fact, has meaning for everyone in some way.如图,给出了一个程序框图,其作用是输入x的值,输出相应的y的值,(1)请指出该程序框图所使用的逻辑结构;(2)若视x为自变量,y为函数值,试写出函数y=f(x)的解析式;(3)若输出的y值的范围是[0,10],求输入x的值的范围?
英语 试题推荐