
阅读下列材料, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Winter holiday is coming! It's a great time to read books, isn't it? The Day The Screens Went Blank Danny Wallace Stella's family love screens. But one day the screens unbelievably stop working. They worry about Stella's grandma in the countryside. But with no phone, no GPS and no internet, the family have to work together to solve all kinds of problems.I think this story is unusual and great because they don't get what they want in the end — they get something far better ! The end really made me happy. 在Rt△PMN中,∠P=900,PM=PN,MN=8,矩形ABCD的长和宽分别为8和2,C点和M点重合,BC和MN在一条直线上.令Rt△PMN不动,矩形ABCD沿MN所在直线向右以每秒1的速度移动(图1),直到C点与N点重合为止.设移动秒后,矩形ABCD与△PMN重叠部分的面积为2.求与之间的函数关系式.   1                              2
英语 试题推荐