
— What do you want to be in the future ,Nick? —I want to be _____ pilot(飞行员) ,it is _____ exciting(令人激动的,兴奋的) job. A . a , a B . a, an C . the , an D . a, the 答案:BThe printed word is just about the most important way we have of communication with one another. Look around you at the books in school, at the newspapers at home, at the posters on walls and the stamps you stick on envelopes before posting them. Consider, too, the importance of being able to understand the instructions printed on packages of food and medicine sold in shops. In these and in many other ways, the printed word has become so important that it is difficult to imagine how life could go on without it. In everyday life there are hundreds of situations in which people need to communicate with one another, and the printed word is nearly always the best method of communication where large numbers of people are involved. As you may know, communication intended to reach a large number of people is called mass communication. The main present-day forms of mass communication using the printed word are newspapers, magazines and books. In the case of a modern national newspaper, thousands of copies of each issue(期)may be printed and read in a single day. The best known forms of modern mass communication which do not use the printed word are television and radio. Television or radio broadcasts may also reach millions of people at a time. Printing is so important nowadays that it is difficult to imagine how people could manage without it. In fact, though, it was many centuries before man even had a language. Early cave men communicated with one another by sign language or by drawing on the walls of their caves. 1. We use the printed word mainly to________________. A. communicate with each other B. read books and newspapers C. study knowledge D. write articles 2. The printed word has become very important because________________. A. it is almost the best method of communication B. it is difficult to imagine how life could go on without it C. it is the best way for large numbers of people to communicate with each other D. there are hundreds of situations in which two people need to talk with each other 3. The best known printed forms of mass communication are________________. A. letters and advertisements B. newspapers, magazines and books C. packets of food and medicine D. television and radio 4. The passage means to tell us________________. A. how people communicate with each other B. how people use the printed word C. that mass communication is very important to us D. that the printed word is very important to us  
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