
阅读理解 What you do after studying could have a bigeffect on how well you learn and remember. Today on Education Tips, we willexplore two no-cost ways that can help you improve your learning: wakeful restand sleep. When many students finish studying, theyoften go straight to another activity. Perhaps they look at their phone orcomputer. They might even play a video game or watch television. But researchsuggests that resting after your study may help you remember what you havestudied. The basic idea is this: by stopping youractivity after the study, your brain gets a chance to rest. Restin在古希腊文中,“民主政治”(demokratia)一词由“人民”(demos)  和“统治”(kratos)复合而成。这说明,古代希腊的民主政治强调  (    ) A.公民的广泛参与和直接管理?               B.公民的私有财产神圣不可侵犯? C.民事案件均由陪审法庭判决?               D.全体居民均享有民主权利
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