
和平共处五项原则成为处理国家间关系的基本准则。下列内容中,与之相背离的是( ) ①美国出兵侵略朝鲜 ②美国对新中国实行孤立政策,两国关系紧张③中日、中美建立外交关系 ④中国与俄罗斯等五国共同签署《上海合作组织成立宣言》 A . ①② B . ①③ C . ①④ D . ②③ 答案:A--- She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain. --- Never _____ she’d ever have that much energy.  A. I had thought                       B. I would have thought    C. could I have thought            D. will I have thought
历史与社会 试题推荐