
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 (1) How do students enter the library? A . With a library account. B . With a student card. C . With a password. (2) What is the maximum number of books current students can borrow? A . 12. B . 11. C . 9. (3) What kind of books have to be returned within one week? A . Books borrowed by local residents. B . Books liked by a lot of people. C . Books published recently. (4) What will the speaker do next? A . Tell the students where to get bottled water. B . Take the students on a campus tou给下列句子中加粗的字选择恰当的解释,把序号写在括号里 轻:A.重量小 B.负载小,装备简单 C.数量少,程度浅 D.轻松 E.不重要 F.用力不猛 G.轻率   H.不庄重,不严肃 I.轻视 1.有一家外国报纸轻蔑地说:“能在南口以北修筑铁路的中国工程师还没出世呢。” (    ) 2.他们认为这样艰巨的工程,外国著名的工程师也不敢轻易尝试,至于中国人,是无论如何也完成不了的。 (    ) 3.“轻伤不下火线,”是战士们常说的一句话。 (    ) 4.他只轻轻推了一下,车子就倒了。 (    ) 5.还有什么节目比得上这种顽强而鲜明的轻歌曼舞? (    )
英语 试题推荐