新目标(Go for it)版2021-2022学年英语八年级下册Unit 6 Section B 检测卷

新目标(Go for it)版2021-2022学年英语八年级下册Unit 6 Section B 检测卷
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1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)

  1. (1) The T-shirt is very expensive. It's made of (丝绸).

  2. (2) Good students should not (欺骗,作弊) in the exam.

  3. (3) (穿上)your coat, or you will catch a cold.

  4. (4) Tom often drops (几片面包)along the way to feed the birds.

  5. (5) (一……就)I got to the bus stop, I found that I lost my money.

  6. (6) The w class went to the park except Bill yesterday.

  7. (7) They could see the stones (因为)the shining moon.

  8. (8) It's sunny. The sun s brightly.

  9. (9) I could hear her sweet v from the next room.

  10. (10) What time do you usually (醒来) in the morning?

2. 单选题
The movie is ___________ moving ___________ we all cry.

A . too, to B . so; that C . enough; to D . such; that
3. 单选题
Henry will give us a report as soon as he ___________.

A . arrives B . arrived C . is arriving D . will arrive
4. 单选题
The boy listens ___________ to the teacher.

A . careful enough B . enough careful C . carefully enough D . enough carefully
5. 句型转换

  1. (1) There is something bad happening outside.(改为否定句)

    There isn't happening outside.

  2. (2) We can't have sports meeting because the rain is heavy. (改为同义句)

    We can't have sports meeting the heavy rain.

  3. (3) You must be quiet!(改为祈使句)

      , please!

  4. (4) They have no more books.(改为同义句)

    They books .

  5. (5) The boy is very clever.(用what改为感叹句)

      he is!

6. 书面表达


要求:(1)What's the name of it?(2) What's the story about?(3)Why do you like it?

7. 翻译
他的想法听起来很愚蠢 ,所以没有人同意。
His idea    ,so nobody agrees with him.

8. 翻译
The boy     save himself.

9. 翻译
Why the kid  the forest?

10. 单选题
What do you think of the song“You and Me”?
It_____great. I love singing it.

A . tastes B . looks  C . smells  D . sounds.