小学英语新版-牛津译林版五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor第三课时习题

小学英语新版-牛津译林版五年级下册Unit 4 Seeing the doctor第三课时习题
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1. 翻译
  1. (1) 让我检查一下
  2. (2) 感觉热 
  3. (3) point at
  4. (4) outside 
  5. (5) 胃痛 
2. 词汇分类
选出与其它单词不同类的一项(   )
A . fly B . headache C . cough D . toothache
3. 词汇分类
选出与其它单词不同类的一项(   )
A . cola B . juice C . candies D . milk
4. 词汇分类
选出与其它单词不同类的一项(   )
A . giraffe B . apple C . monkey D . bear
5. 词汇分类
选出与其它单词不同类的一项(   )
A . help B . see C . Helpful D . look
6. 词汇分类
选出与其它单词不同类的一项(   )
A . banana B . fish C . orange D . apple
7. 单选题
The boy points _________the sign _________the wall.
A . at, in B . at, on C . on, on
8. 单选题
You must come _________home early, it's dark outside.
A . to B . / C . in
9. 单选题
—What's wrong with _________?

—He has a toothache.

A . her B . him C . his
10. 单选题
—What's wrong with your sister?

—Her leg _________.

A . hurt B . hurts C . hurting