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1. 听力题
What is Bob's sister good at?
A . B . C .
2. 听力题
Where will Jennifer go on holiday?
A . B . C .
3. 听力题
What is Kelly's favorite food in France?
A . B . C .
4. 听力题
What does Jim always do during the summer holiday?
A . B . C .
5. 听力题
What does the speaker think is the most useful invention?
A . B . C .
6. 听力题
What does Tina think we should do to protect the environment?
A . Save water. B . Recycle old things. C . Ride a bike to school.
7. 听力题
When did Carrie join the WWF?
A . Last month. B . Last year. C . Two years ago.
8. 听力题
What does Ted ask Lily to do to recycle paper?
A . Not to use any paper. B . Use as little paper as possible. C . Collect waste paper and sell it.
9. 听力题
Where should the endangered animals live according to Sally?
A . In the zoo. B . In their natural environment. C . In the cages.
10. 听力题
Why does Cherry want to join the Protecting Animal Club?
A . Because animals are our good friends. B . Because some of animals are endangered. C . Both A and B