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1. 听力题
What day is it tomorrow?
A . It's Monday. B . I's Saturday. C . It's Sunday.
2. 听力题
What could the woman probably be?
A . A teacher. B . A doctor. C . A nurse.
3. 听力题
What will the woman probably do next?
A . Lend the man some money. B . Take the man to the bank. C . Ask the man to sign a check.
4. 听力题
Where might the speakers be?
A . At a clothes shop. B . At a bookstore. C . At a barber's.
5. 听力题
What are the speakers talking about?
A . A meeting. B . A picnic. C . The kids.
6. 听力题
  1. (1) What do we know about the woman?
    A . She can't read music. B . She will leave the college. C . She keeps playing the piano.
  2. (2) What is the relationship between the speakers?
    A . Teacher and student. B . Schoolmales. C . Father and daughter.
7. 听力题
  1. (1) Why did the woman talk to the man?
    A . To get a phone number. B . To look into a matter. C . To ask something about Sam.
  2. (2) What will the woman do next?
    A . Phone Sam for help. B . Go to meet Bill. C . Help the man.
8. 听力题
  1. (1) What is the man doing?
    A . Searching for a parking lot. B . Giving directions to a stranger. C . Driving to the woman's.
  2. (2) Where is the man now?
    A . Outside a bar. B . Outside a hotel. C . Outside a restaurant.
  3. (3) What is lhe man going to do next?
    A . Get to a hospital. B . Go back along Queen Street. C . Find a road sign.
9. 听力题
  1. (1) What are the speakers mainly talking about?
    A . The man's job promotion. B . The man's education. C . The man's pay raise.
  2. (2) How many years did it take the man to move up to Grade 5?
    A . About 4. B . About 5. C . About 6.
  3. (3) Who can get the chance to go to school for more training?
    A . Those who learn quickly. B . Those who are above Grade 5. C . Those who pass the training test.
  4. (4) How does the man feel about the chance of training?
    A . Excited. B . Disappointed. C . Uninterested.
10. 听力题
  1. (1) What does the speaker advise the New Yorkers to do?
    A . Take an umbrella. B . Enjoy the outdoors. C . Wear warm clothes.
  2. (2) What is the low temperature in Los Angeles?
    A . 79℃ B . 13℃ C . 19℃
  3. (3) What will the weather be like in London and Paris?
    A . It will be cloudy and a little wet. B . Strong winds are expected. C . It will be sunny and dry.
  4. (4) Which place can expect some badly-needed rain?
    A . Los Angeles. B . Sydney. C . London.