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1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
A true friend reaches for your hand and(感动)your heart.
2. 完形填空

One morning, when I was leaving for my business, a middle-aged man came up and asked me for help. He said he had no1to get food for his large family.

"You look strong. 2 don't you work?" I asked." Simply because I can’t get work, sir." "If I give you work, what pay do you want?" "3 I can get bread for my family, sir." he answered.

I decided to find out if he 4 meant what he said. "OK. I'll give you one pound an hour, 5 you can carry a brick(砖)under your arm and walk around the square for five hours without 6." "Thank you, sir. I will."

I found a brick and started him on his walk before I went to my business. I 7 thought he would do what he had promised.

When I came back five hours later, I saw him 8 walking, with the brick under his arm.

I stopped him and gave him9 pounds. He10 me and told me that some people had offered to help him when they knew why he was doing. He would go and ask 11 for work. Before leaving, he asked if I would give him the 12. I did.

Several years later, a well-dressed man greeted me on a train. He said that he was the brick man and had his own business now. "You know, I still keep that brick and always value it as the most 13 thing I have. Because it has brought me14 and success."

15, it was not the brick that made the man successful, but his faithfulness(坚定) in doing even a very little thing.

A . courage B . money C . plan D . time
A . Where B . What C . How D . Why
A . As long as B . As soon as C . Even if D . Ever since
A . certainly B . simple C . really D . usually
A . so B . if C . because D . unless
A . stopping B . running C . playing D . laughing
A . always B . often C . never D . sometimes
A . also B . already C . even D . still
A . four B . five C . six D . seven
A . found B . forgotten C . thanked D . refused
A . him B . them C . me D . her
A . brick B . chance C . job D . bread
A . beautiful B . expensive C . important D . interesting
A . beauty B . health C . prize D . luck
A . As a result B . At last C . In a word D . In fact
3. 阅读理解

Four women were awarded Nobel prize (诺贝尔奖) of 2020.

Andrea M. Ghez

Andrea Ghez of the US won the Nobel Physics Prize on Tuesday for her research into black holes. Ghez said she hoped her win might inspire other women to enter the fields of astronomy (天文学) and astrophysics (天体物理学). Ghez is just the fourth woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics, after Marie Curie in 1903.

Jennifer Doudna

Emmanuelle Charpentier

Biochemist Jennifer Doudna won the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry, sharing it with workmate Emmanuelle Charpentier for the co-development of CRISPR-Cas9. Charpentier, 51, and Doudna, 56, are just the sixth and seventh women to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

Louise Gluck

Born in 1943, Louise Gluck is an American poet. She was born in New York City and grew up in Long Island. Her father helped invent the X-Acto Knife. Gluck graduated in 1961 from George W. Hewlett High School, in Hewlett, New York. She went on to attend Sarah Lawrence College and Columbia University.

  1. (1) Who was the third woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics?
    A . Andrea M. Ghez B . Marie Curie C . Jennifer Doudna D . Louise Gluck
  2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE about the four women?
    A . Louise Gluck is an American scientist. B . Charpentie is older than Doudna. C . Louise Gluck's father helped her in some way. D . Jennifer Doudna is the sixth woman to receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
  3. (3) The passage probably comes from the _______ column(栏目) of a magazine.
    A . Science B . Health C . Sports D . Animal
4. 阅读理解

Do you know Jack-o'-lantern in the Halloween(万圣节)? It is usually made of pumpkins(南瓜).

There are 2 billion pounds of pumpkins planted in the US each year. Most of them are carved up instead of eaten. Someone often asks a few questions: Are the pumpkins sold for Jack-o'-lanterns different from pumpkins sold as food? And are Halloween pumpkins any good to eat?

Howden pumpkins are the most common decorative(装饰的) pumpkins . They are specifically for carving into Jack-o'-lanterns, with a symmetrical round shape, deep orange color.

Because they're for decoration first, carving pumpkins don't taste very good. "Uncut carving pumpkins are safe to eat; however, it's not the best type to use for cooking," Daria McKelvey tells Mental Floss.

Of course, there are also many pumpkin varieties for cooking and eating. These include Sugar Pie, Kabocha, and Cinderella pumpkins. You can shop for these pumpkins at local farms or in the store. They should be easy to tell apart from the carving pumpkins for Halloween: Unlike decorative pumpkins, cooking pumpkins are small and dense(紧实的). This is part of the reason they taste better. McKelvey says,"Cooking pumpkins are smaller, sweeter, have a thicker rind(皮) , and have less fibers(纤维), making them easier to cook with—but not so good for carving."

Whatever you do, make sure your pumpkin isn't carved up already when you decide to cook with it. There are many ways to recycle your Jack-o'-lanterns, but turning them into pie isn't one of them.

  1. (1) What kind of pumpkins are the most common decorative(装饰的)pumpkins?
    A . Big green pumpkins B . Long orange pumpkins C . Small and tense pumpkins D . Round orange pumpkins
  2. (2) Howden pumpkins don't taste very good because ______.
    A . They are too sweet. B . They have much fibers. C . They are small and dense. D . They are not safe.
  3. (3) Para. 5 mainly talks about ______.
    A . many ways to recycle(回收利用) your pumpkins. B . pumpkins for Halloween. C . pumpkins for eating. D . decorative pumpkins in American.
  4. (4) The best title for the passage can probably be ______.
    A . How to eat pumpkins B . Different kinds of pumpkins C . Jack-o'-lantern D . The history of pumpkins
5. 阅读理解

Do you like games? Do you like playing games with children? Children have their own rules in playing games. They hardly need a referee(裁判) and hardly trouble to keep scores. They don't care much about who wins or loses, and it doesn't seem to worry them if the game is not finished. Yet, they like games that depend a lot on luck so that their personal abilities can't be directly compared.

Grown-ups can hardly find children's games exciting, and they often feel puzzled at why their kids play such simple games again and again. However, it is found that a child plays games for very important reasons. He can be a good player without having to think whether he is a popular person, and he can find himself being a useful partner to someone. He becomes a leader when it comes to his turn. He can be confident too. In some game, where it is his place to give orders, to pretend to be dead, to throw a ball actually at someone.

It appears to us that when children play a game, everyone knows the rules. More importantly, everyone plays according to the rules. Those rules may be childish, but they make sure that every child has a chance to win.

  1. (1) From the passage we know that ________ when the children play the games
    A . they need a referee B . they care the scores C . they depend on a lucky chance D . they care who the winner is
  2. (2) What is TRUE about children when they play games?
    A . They don't care much about who wins or loses B . They can test their personal abilities. C . They want to pick a better team D . They don't need rules
  3. (3) A child becomes a leader during the games ________.
    A . if he is popular B . when it is his turn C . when others are afraid of him D . if he is confident
  4. (4) The writer believes that ________.
    A . children should make better rules for their games B . children should invite grown-ups to play with them C . children can get a lot from the game D . children play games without reasons
6. 阅读理解

The word "sharenting" (晒娃) is used to describe that parents share lots of pictures of their children on social media. Should parents ask kids before posting photos and other information about children online? What do you think?

Cindy, 16:

I think parents should ask for permission from their kids before sharing their photos online. Some parents like to share embarrassing(令人尴尬的) photos of their kids. For example, sometimes their kids are sleeping or_____ in the pictures. But most kids don't want these photos to be shared online.

Tom, 17:

I am against sharenting. It is not responsible when parents think so little of their children's privacy (隐私) ; however, much sharenting just seems like fun to them. I've also noticed that some parents like to show off their children. Children may not like that. It's far better to share their happiness in the family than on social media.

Sam, 16:

Parents should be able to share something about their children online, because it shows their love and care for their children. In fact, the sharing of information, pictures and moments on social media can play a role in recording the growth of children. Also, it can help children to behave(表现) well.

Tina, 15:

1 think that sharenting is reasonable. First, sharing children's pictures and news on social media gives parents a way to show their love and pride. It's a record of their lives. Second, when the children are grown, the pictures and other items will seem like treasures to them, leading them to recall their young lives.

  1. (1) Which of the following can be best put in______?
    A . playing B . crying C . working D . writing
  2. (2) Of the four comments, _____ thinks that sharenting is good for children's behavior.
    A . Cindy B . Tom C . Sam D . Tina
  3. (3) What is the writer's attitude(态度) towards shartening?
    A . Supportive(支持的) B . doubtful(怀疑的) C . disagreeable(讨厌的) D . unmentioned(没有提到的)
  4. (4) On which website can we probably read this passage?
    A . www.chinadaily.com/culture B . www. moon.cn/art C . www.beauty.com/fashion D . www.education.cn/parents and kids
7. 翻译

A. 患难见真情。

B. 条条大路通罗马。

C. 入乡随俗。

D. 事实胜于雄辩。

E. 良好的开始时成功的一半。

F. 爱屋及乌。

⑴Love me, love my dog. 

⑵A friend in need is a friend indeed. 

⑶A good beginning is half done. 

⑷Actions speak louder than words. 

⑸Do as the Romans do. 

8. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
Pay more attention to grammar. Most of your sentences are (无意义的)
9. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
(虽然) the winter is coming, we get up early to exercise everyday.
10. 单词拼写(词汇运用)
Can you tell me the (不同) between comedies and soap operas?