Unit 2 Arnwick was a city with 200,000 people. 知识点题库

I will make more efforts (realize) my dream.

We need (many) hospitals and schools in the new community.

There______ more public toilets in the busy and crowded city center.

A . need to be B . is needed C . need be D . need to have
The company doesn't run well; the boss will______.

A . close B . close it down C . close down it D . shut it up

  1. (1) 随同包裹寄来的还有一张账单。

    There was a bill the parcel.

  2. (2) 我们村里五分之一的村民在城里工作。

    villagers in our village work in the city.

  3. (3) 每年她都需要更多的钱去帮助那些无家可归的孩子们。

    Every year she money those homeless children.


  1. (1) 乔的一家住在那些公寓中的一个。

    Jo's family in those flats.

  2. (2) 乘公共汽车到那儿花费一个小时。

    an hour there by bus

  3. (3) 很显然,阿恩威克需要更多的学校、公共汽车和医院。

    that Arnwick needs more schools, buses and hospitals.

One of their (公寓)is on Park Street.It's not big but I love it.
There's only one good way of(解决问题) the problem.

close down, in fact, have to, some day, part of

  1. (1) I practise basketball every morning and it is my life.
  2. (2) Mary hopes to visit the moon
  3. (3) Three years ago Jimleave his home town to look for a job in the city.
  4. (4) —Bob's companylast month.

    —That's too bad.

  5. (5) John didn't go to university. he left school at 16.
Mary is afraid to speak in(公共的) .
Mr Read is good at sall kinds of problems.
—Be q, please. They're having a meeting.


—Because of the           petrol(汽油) price, fewer and fewer people will choose to own a car, I think.

—I agree with you.

A . increase B . increasing C . improved D . improving

Usually itus an hour to the station by bus.

The dustman(垃圾工) comes once a week to collect the r .
Don't talk loudly in (公共场合).
My favourite clothes shop __________________ last week. What a pity!
A . close down B . closed down C . is closed down D . was closed down
Jack is__________________ eight- year-old boy and he goes to school on __________________ foot every day.
A . an; the B . a; / C . an; / D . a; the

villagers in our village work in the city.


However, the city centre.