Part A 知识点题库

Chejie is         class.(      )

A . having B . has C . have
- What are they doing?

- _____________(      )

A . They are eating lunch. B . I am eating lunch.
wait       weather 

home      wash my clothes 

What      the dogs doing?
A . is B . are C . do
猫咪的好朋友们在干什么? 选—选吧!(选出与下列句子对应的图片)

A.     B.      C.     D.


  1. (1) The panda is eating bamboo.
  2. (2) The monkey is playing with its mother.
  3. (3) The elephant is drinking water.
  4. (4) The girl is watching TV.

read a book

listen to music


do morning





  1. (1) What is Lucy doing?
  2. (2) What is Sarah doing?
  3. (3) Is John listening to music?
  4. (4) Who is doing morning exercises?
Tom and Jerry (is/are) watching TV.

例: 图片_x0020_16

例:It's 5:00 p.m. She's listening to music.

  1. (1) 图片_x0020_17

  2. (2) 图片_x0020_18

  3. (3) 图片_x0020_19

I like monkeys because they are c (可爱的).
Do you like l (小的) animals, like rabbits, cats and so on?
Look ________ the big tiger. It's so strong!
A . for B . at C . on
—________ are the students doing?

—They are playing football.

A . Who B . What C . Whose
Jack is ________ a book in the library.
A . looking B . watching C . reading
It's rainy. The boy is playing in the rain.


Do you see__________ elephants?
A . some B . any C . an
Look__________ the pandas.
A . at B . in C . to

cleaning the room                            A.

writing a letter                                     B.

washing the clothes                           C.

doing the dishes                               D.

reading a book                                E.