本模块综合与测试 知识点题库

选出单词中不同类的一项(  )
A . ate B . bring C . ask
选出单词中不同类的一项(  )
A . hamburgers B . restaurant C . chips
A . cry B . laugh C . sad
The girl sang a song.
A . B .  
Mum bought a new dress for me.  
A . B .
I borrowed an English book________ you.
A . for B . to C . at
We can ________ the CDs in the evening.
A . listen B . listen for C . listen to
I've,  in,  two,  English,  got,  letters(. )


  1. (1) th tre
  2. (2) h st ry
  3. (3) b rr w
  4. (4) qu st on
  5. (5) s o
  6. (6) r dy
  7. (7) n ther
  8. (8) l gh
  9. (9) j k
  10. (10) ft r
Look! The little boy _______ a book _______ sports!
A . read; on B . read; of C . is reading; about
The boy apples every day.

The boy will go tomorrow.

Yunnan,   going to,   next,   year,   I'm,   visit   (.)(连词成句)
present,   my,   cousin,   want,   to,   I,   take,   a,   for   (.)(连词成句)
听录音,选出你所听到的单词(   )
A . letter B . left C . late
My dad __________ a book __________ food yesterday evening.
A . reads; of B . read; about C . reads; about


Lucy: They are letters from my friends.

Lisa: Where are your friends?

Lucy: They are in the UK now.

Lisa: What did they say?


Lisa: Did they sing and dance?


Lisa: Did they eat English food?

Lucy: And they took some photos.


Lucy: Of course. Here you are.

Lisa: Thank you.

A. Can I see them?

B. Yes, they did.

C. Yes, they ate hamburgers and chips.

D. They had a birthday party.

E. What are these, Lucy?


Last summer holidays, I took a trip with my aunt. We went to Australia by plane. It was winter in Australia. But in Beijing, it was summer. I played with snow. I went skating there and I took many pictures. I bought many presents for my friends too. I was tired. But I was excited too.

  1. (1) I took a trip with my aunt.
  2. (2) We went to America by plane.
  3. (3) It was summer in Australia, but it was winter in Beijing.
  4. (4) I played with snow in Beijing.
  5. (5) I went skating in Australia.

Dear Tom,

How are you?


