听力 知识点题库

  1. (1) How long did Michael stay in China?
    A . Five days. B . One week. C . Two weeks.
  2. (2) Where did Michael go last year?
    A . Russia. B . Norway. C . India.
What was the weather like when Beth was at the beach?
A . Cloudy. B . Sunny. C . Rainy.
How long will Tom wait there?
A . For six hours. B . for two hours. C . for three hours.
  1. (1) Where did the man go last year?
    A . To Italy. B . To France. C . To Scotland.
  2. (2) What does the woman like doing in summer?
    A . Doing outdoor sports. B . Learning dancing. C . Visiting art galleries.
  3. (3) What does the woman dislike about Scotland?
    A . The hotels. B . The castles. C . The weather.
What's the man's attitude toward John's being fired?
A . approving. B . Surprised. C . Doubtful.
  1. (1) Why did the man go to Hawaii?
    A . To go on business. B . To live there. C . To go on holiday.
  2. (2) How did the man spend his night?
    A . Ate out. B . Went swimming. C . Went walking.
Who will pay the bill?
A . The boss. B . Tom. C . The woman.
  1. (1) What is to be hosted on Wednesday evening?
    A . A bake sale. B . A parent book club. C . An event to honor an artist.
  2. (2) When does the book fair end?
    A . On Thursday. B . On Wednesday. C . On Monday.
  3. (3) Where will the money from the bake sale go?
    A . A computer lab. B . The sports teams. C . The art department.
  4. (4) What happens to the computer lab?
    A . It will be repaired. B . It will be closed forever. C . It will be put up for sale.
  1. (1) Where was Jason kicked out of yesterday?
    A . A restaurant. B . A work place. C . A food store.
  2. (2) What did the man ask Jason about?
    A . His motion. B . His food. C . His job.
What did the man do last night?
A . He held a party. B . He lost his phone. C . He bought something in a shop.
When will the two speakers probably discuss the project?
A . On Tuesday. B . On Thursday. C . On Friday.
  1. (1) Where does the speaker come from?
    A . America. B . England. C . Australia.
  2. (2) What do people think of Americans?
    A . Impolite. B . Self-centered. C . Humorous.
  3. (3) What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England?
    A . Have a cup of tea. B . Watch comedy shows. C . Play with her friends.
  4. (4) What did the speaker find amazing in England?
    A . The people. B . The tea shop. C . The old buildings.
  1. (1) What kind of person is Mary?
    A . Humorous and popular. B . Pretty and humorous. C . Pretty but boring.
  2. (2) What do we know about the woman?
    A . She likes making friends. B . She likes telling jokes. C . She seldom laughs.
  3. (3) What is the third tip given by the man?
    A . Learn to laugh. B . Laugh in bad situations. C . Spend time with fun people.
  1. (1) Whom do you think the woman was angry with?
    A . The man. B . The repairman. C . The shopkeeper.
  2. (2) Why couldn't the woman find the repair shop?
    A . She missed the right turn. B . The man gave her the wrong directions. C . She was a bad driver.
  3. (3) Why did the man tell her to turn to these television repairmen?
    A . The shop was easy to find. B . One of the repairmen was his friend. C . They did good work and the price was reasonable.
Listen to the passage and fill in the missing words.

A few years ago, Lauren Elizabeth was a chef, but then she fell in love with travel and started to post pictures . In less than 18 months, there were over 200,000 people her blog and companies started paying her to take and publish them. She Australia's first photo blogger, was a challenging job. She first visited Western Australia for work in 2013 and fell in love with northern WA. Some of her favourite photographs there. It is extremely beautiful, and the Kimberley region, , is unique and .She tries to take every opportunity to get outside and admire the natural world. She wants to use her photography to people who haven't any sense of environmental protection.

What does the woman ask the man to do?
A . Sing a song. B . Focus on his work C . Study in his room.
  1. (1) What is the talk mainly about?
    A . The plan for the day. B . The courses for the term. C . The history of the school.
  2. (2) Where can the listeners learn about the subjects for new students?
    A . In the school hall. B . In the science labs. C . In the classrooms.
  3. (3) What can students do in the practical education areas?
    A . Take science courses. B . See some exhibitions. C . Attend workshops.
  4. (4) When are the listeners expected to ask questions?
    A . During the lunch hour. B . Before the tour of labs. C . After the welcome speech.
What is the woman worried about?
A . The man's health. B . The man's cooking skill. C . The man's safety in Mexico.
  1. (1) What's the purpose of providing the school students with yoga exercises?
    A . To enable students to reject violence. B . To help students face struggles more properly. C . To eliminate (消除) poverty more effectively.
  2. (2) What can students learn in the Mindful Moment Room?
    A . How to calm down by talking to teachers. B . How to clear their mind at night. C . How to respond to situations better.
  3. (3) What change have yoga exercises brought to school?
    A . More students dropped out of school last year. B . There is less bad behavior on campus. C . More students are willing to be sent to the office.
  4. (4) What does the speaker think of yoga?
    A . Its effect on students remains to be seen. B . Everyone can benefit from it. C . There is enough evidence for its importance.
Why is the man now living outside of the city?
A . The traffic in the city is unbearable to him. B . He is used to living outside of the city. C . There's no fresh air inside the city.