名词 知识点

一、 名词的定义:名词是表示人或事物名称的词,它既可以表示具体的东西,也可以是表示抽象的东西。
1. 名词可以根据意义分为普通名词和专有名词,例如:John is a student. John是个学生。其中student.是普通名词,John是专有名词。普通名词前可以用不定冠词a/an,定冠词the 或不加冠词,专有名词前一般不加冠词,专有名词的首字母要大写。
2. 普通名词又可以分为个体名词、集体名词、物质名词和抽象名词,其中个体名词与集体名词是可数名词,物质名词和抽象名称是不可数名词。
3. 专有名词是表示人名、地名、团体、机构、组织等的专有名词,多为独一无二的事物。










名词 知识点题库

The l of farmland is harmful to crops, farmers as well as the national interests.
The leading singer couldn't appear, and her s  didn't know the role very well.
If you're going to come, please let me know in a .
The expert came to the (结论) that there were many people infected with cholera.
In this era of globalization, good c of a foreign language is very important.
Gardening, as a way to relax, is gaining (popular).
A (consult) is a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is employed to give advice about it to other people.
The aim of these experiments was to find the connection, if any, between the two (现象).
The following (图表) shows the links among these age groups.
In traditional Chinese culture ,  decision were often made by parents for their children. (marry)
The role will be the biggest c of his acting career.
He held a party to his success and the lasted two days.(celebrate)
It's said that Rose was one of the (幸存者) in the car accident.
You must ask for (许可) before taking any photographs inside the church.
His s made him stay in hospital for four weeks.
John admitted that it was his (过失)that we were late..
Many a young Chinese scientist has made many wonderful d(发现)in science
The job is not tiring at all. On the c, it's very relaxing.
New evidence leads to the  (结论) that cartoon characters can offer a sense of healing.
We are waiting for (进一步的) (证实) of the result.