
Time is more precious than money for an increasing number of people who are choosing to live more with less—and liking it. Kay and Charles Giddens, two lawyers, sold their home to start a B&B hotel. Four years later, the couple dishes out banana pancake breakfast, cleans toilets and serves homemade chocolate chip cookies to guests in a B&B hotel surrounded by trees on a hill known for colourful sunsets. “Do I miss the freeways? Do I miss the traffic? Do I miss the stress? No,” says Ms. Giddens, “This is a phenomenon that’s fairly widespread. A lot of people are revalua读“塔里木盆地示意图”,回答下列小题.【1】对塔里木盆地自然特征的描述,正确的是( )A.气候深受海洋影响 B.河湖众多C.地势中部高四周低 D.沙漠广布【2】绿洲主要分布在塔里木盆地的( )A.南部 B.东部 C.边缘 D.内部【3】修建图中铁路时,需要克服的不利因素主要是( )A.大风沙暴 B.高寒缺氧 C.地震火山 D.山高谷深【4】塔里木盆地气候干旱的主要原因是( )①深居内陆,距海遥远 ②纬度较高,气温低 ③终年积雪,冰川广布 ④山脉对湿润气流的阻隔.A.①② B.①④ C.②③ D.②④【5】塔里木盆地出产的特色农产品是( )A.茶叶 B.橡胶 C.青稞 D.哈密瓜
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