形容词 知识点题库

Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something m (仁慈的) that would catch snakes but harm them.
He is a strong person, and he has a character in p(特别).
Now that the problem has been found, (适当的) action can be taken.
What happened in the next 30 seconds was one of ______ events of the story.
A . fantastic B . flexible C . fan D . figure
It is(明显的) that the teachers are friendly to their students in Jinan NO.1 senior high school.
I had no p (早先的) experience of this type of work.
The parents were a about the safety of their children who went on the trip by themselves.
Since time was (有限的), I drafted out my speech in 10 minutes.
More than $2.15 billion of its outstanding loans are (到期的) by the end of this year.
This insight grew from the (determine) attitude of a boy who had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a reality.
Most students of our class start to show much interest in (science) activities.
The woman is (有能力 ) of doing the job well.
She seemed totally (absorb) in her book.
If you are lost in the mountains, stay c  in the face of darkness, loneliness, and the unknown.
(与...相反) to our expectation, he was defeated in the first round.
(满意) with what we did, our teacher began to smile.
The sharing economy has grown rapidly in recent years and has helped drive  (economy) growth.
Mrs Palmer is a (retire) maths teacher.
Summer is a time when people feel (energy).
These m ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people.