直接引语变间接引语 知识点

1. 直接引语为陈述句时如何变为间接引语:
方法是:将直接引语变为由that引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后(that也可省略)。例如:“I don't love her.” he says. 他说:“我不爱她。”→He says that he doesn't love her. 他说他不爱她。
注意:(1)若引述动词用的是say to sb,则通常改为tell sb.     
例如:“It's a secret.” he said to me. 他对我说:“这是秘密。”→He told me that it was a secret. 他对我说那是秘密。
例如:He says, “I like singing and I want to be a singer.” 他说:“我喜欢唱歌,我想当歌手。”→He says that he likes singing and that he wanted to be a singer. 他说他喜欢唱歌,想当歌手。
2. 直接引语为一般疑问句时如何变为间接引语
例如:“Are you ill?” he asked. 他问:“你病了吗?”→He asked if [whether] I was ill. 他问我是否病了。
3. 直接引语为特殊疑问句时如何变为间接引语方法是:将直接引语变为由“疑问词”引导的宾语从句跟在引述动词之后。例如:He asked, “When did she leave?” 他问:“她什么时候离开的?”→He asked when she had left. 他问她什么时候离开的。
4. 直接引语为祈使句时如何变为间接引语
方法是:使用ask [tell, order] sb to do sth这一结构进行转换,若祈使句为否定式,则用ask [tell, order] sb not to do sth,其中ask, tell, order的选择视句子的语气而定。
例如:①“Come early tomorrow, Jim.” he said. 他说:“吉姆,明天早点来。”→He told Jim to come early the next day. 他叫吉姆第二天早点来。
②“Don’t be late again, Mary.” he said. 他说:“玛丽,不要再迟到了。”→He told Mary not to be late again. 他叫玛丽不要再迟到了。
注意:(1)除动词ask, tell, order外,有时也可能用其他动词。
例如:“Don't go out at night, Jim.” he said. 他说:“吉姆,晚上别出去。”→He warned Jim not to go out at night. 他警告吉姆晚上不要出去。
(2)若祈使句中没有呼语,应根据句意给动词ask, tell, order等补上适当的宾语。
例如:“Watch carefully.” he said. 他说:“仔细看着。”→He told us to watch carefully. 他叫我们仔细看着。
5. 直接引语变间接引语的非正常方法
例如:①“You had better hurry, Bill.” he said. 他说:“比尔,你最好快点。”→He advised Bill to hurry. 他建议比尔快点。
②“Shall we meet at two?” he said. 他说:“我们两点集合好不好?”→He suggested meeting at two. 他建议两点集合。
③“Shall I do it for you?” he asked. 他说:“我替你做好吗?”→He offered to do it for me. 他主动提出替我做。
④“Could you help us?” he said. 他说:“请帮帮我们好吗?”→He asked me to help them. 他叫我帮帮他们。
例如:①“Thank you.” he said. 他说:“谢谢你。”→He thanked me. 他向我表示感谢。
②“Good luck.” he said. 他说:“祝你好运。”→He wished me good luck. 他祝我好运。
③He said, “Liar.” 他说:“你撒谎。”→He called me a liar. 他骂我撒谎。

直接引语变间接引语 知识点题库

The weatherman has    that it is going to rain tomorrow.

A . told B . guessed C . said D . forecast
He said that he had visited his teachers in the junior middle school ________.

A . two weeks before B . last week C . a week ago D . before two weeks
—Where was I?

—You        you didn't like your job.

A . had said B . said C . were saying D . has said
She said she was unlucky _______ the train, and had to spend another day here.
A . missing B . to have missed C . to miss D . having missed
“Please close the window,” he said to me. →He ______ me _____ the window.
A . said to; to close B . told to; closing C . asked ; to close D . said to; please close
“Have you seen the film?” he asked me. →He asked me _______.
A . had I seen the film B . have I seen the film C . if I have seen the film D . whether I had seen the film
“Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?” the woman asked the policeman.(变为间接引语)

The woman asked the policeman  he  tell her how to get to the nearest restaurant.

He asked, “How are you getting along?”  → He asked ______.
A . how am I getting along B . how are you getting along C . how I was getting along D . how was I getting along
He said, “Don't do that again.” → He ______ me ______ that again.
A . said to me; not to do B . said to me; don't do  C . told me; don't do D . told me; not to do
Mr Green asked Lily ________ she had written to her father _______.
A . whether; the day before B . whether; yesterday C . that; the day before D . that; yesterday
"I've found my wallet." he said to me. →He ______ me that he ______ ______ ______ wallet.
A . tell; has; found; him B . tell; has; find; his C . told; had; found; his D . told; had; found; him
"I took it home with me." she said. →She said that ______ ______ _______ it home with her.
A . her; has; take B . her; had; taken C . she; has; take D . she; had; taken
She said to me, "You went to the party last night, didn't you?" (变间接引语)
Mom said to me, "Will you first have supper or finish your homework?" (变间接引语)
"Please open the window," the teacher said to Li Ming. (变间接引语)
He asked, " How did you find it, mother?"

He asked her mother   it.

"Where have you been these days?" he asked.

He asked me been days.

"Do you know where she lives?" he asked.

He asked me knew where she .

" Don't tell him the news." she said.

She told me him the news.

"Can I apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon?" Mary asked (改为间接引语)

Mary asked  apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon.