记叙文 知识点

1. 叙事方式有所不同。有的记叙文按照时间顺序叙述,最后点破故事的结局,有的记叙文采取倒叙的手法,先点明故事的结局和影响,然后再叙述故事的发生和发展。考生在做题时,应先浏览全文,判断出作者的叙事手段,依据文章提供的信息,对故事内容进行准确定位,了解故事的来龙去脉,进而达到对文意的透彻理解,为做题找到准确依据。
2. 记叙文往往有较强的故事趣味性,有情节跌宕起伏和情感细腻变化等特点,信息量很大。作者在叙述过程中往往会融入人物的语言、行为、心理的描写,这在一定程度上增加了考生理解文章的难度。这时,考生必须理清上下文的脉络,对人物的语言、行为、心理等给出合理的想像和推理,并仔细揣摩作者的用意,从而透彻理解文意,达到对语境的准确理解,这样才能作出合理的选择。
二、 解题技巧
1. 了解文章的结构形式。通常为了叙述方便,作者会按时间先后顺序或空间顺序等方式来安排情节和内容。其优点是条理清楚,层次分明。
2. 明确作者的写作目的。就事论事肯定不是记叙的目的,而通过叙述阐明一个道理,是作者必须考虑的。只有心中有了目的,在情节选择和细节描写上才会作出合理的安排。明晰了写作目的,就能抓住文章的主题。
3. 知晓文章所记叙的几大要素。为了使读者清楚地了解一件事的起因、经过和结果,作者就有必要在记叙文中将事件、人物、时间、地点、原因和结果等要素讲清楚。这六个要素是记叙文的基本组成部分,一般不能缺少。弄清了这六个要素,基本上就理解了整篇文章。
4. 弄清文章是以第几人称的视角展开记叙的。通常英语记叙文展开记叙的视角有两个:第一人称和第三人称。用第一人称就是从“参与者”的角度进行记叙,读者可从字里行间感受到作者亲切的态度和深厚的感情。用第三人称就是以“观察者”的身份展开叙述,作者的语气客观,与读者保持着一定的距离, 读者的注意力更多集中在故事本身,了解了作者的写作角度有助于我们走进作者的思维,深入理解文章的意义。

记叙文 知识点题库


    They tell the story of a mountain climber who, desperate to conquer the Aconcagua, started his climb after years of preparation. But he wanted the 1 all to himself, therefore, he went up 2.

    He began climbing and it was becoming late. He did not prepare for 3, and decided to keep on going. Soon it got dark. Night fell with heaviness at a very high altitude. Visibility(能见度) was 4. Everything was black. There was no moon, 5 the stars were covered by clouds.

    As he was climbing a ridge at about 100 meters from the top, he 6 and fell. Falling rapidly, he could only see marks of darkness that passed. He felt a terrible sensation of being 7 in by gravity. He kept falling and in those painful moments, good and bad memories 8 his mind. He thought certainly he would die.

    But then he felt a jolt(震动,摇晃) that almost 9 him in half. Yes! 10 any good mountain climber he had supported himself with a long rope 11 to his waist. In those moments of stillness, hanging in the 12, he had no other choice but to shout, “Help me, God! Help me!”

    All of a sudden he heard a 13 voice from heaven, “What do you want me to do?”

    “Save me”.

    “Do you really think that I can save you?”

    “Of course, my God.”

    “Then 14 the rope that is holding you up.”

    There was another moment of silence and stillness. The man just held tighter to the rope. The 15 team says that the next day they found a 16 mountain climber handing strongly to a rope … TWO FEET 17 the ground.

    As the story suggests, sometimes you have to have some 18.If you cut the rope and 19 the result might be out of your 20.

A . honor B . benefit C . reward D . assessment
A . early B . soon C . alone D . late
A . waiting B . cooking C . dining D . camping
A . nothing B . zero C . much D . none
A . but B . though C . while D . and
A . smoothed B . slid C . slipped D . stretched
A . buried B . sucked C . struck D . pressed
A . lived through B . dated back C . looked back D . passed through
A . tore B . cut C . separated D . divided
A . Without B . Despite C . Like D . For
A . tied B . stuck C . supplied D . given
A . sky B . mountain C . woods D . air
A . terrified B . impatient C . sad D . deep
A . snatch B . cut C . master D . grasp
A . medical B . rescue C . security D . sports
A . drowned B . frightened C . frozen D . saved
A . off B . away C . on D . against
A . power B . virtue C . honor D . faith
A . let down B . put off C . put away D . let go
A . charge B . control C . expectation D . responsibility

    Summer was supposed to be free of worries for a high school graduate like me. No studying, no1 —at least not till the fall. I even had a good job so I could go off with some2in my pocket. But one afternoon3crowded in: I'd always lived in the same small town. How would I4it out there in the big, scary world?

    “Bye-bye,” I said to my boss. Mom's car5in the burning sun. I got 6 the wheel and headed home. Then everything went7.

    I opened my eyes in a strange room. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't move. The8was all my fault. I'd made the worst9of my life. I was 10 unconscious.11  no one was hurt, except me.

    After I left the hospital, a police officer came to the house, 12me a court date. Mom and I went to see her car. It was completely 13 On the seat we saw a handkerchief in blood. “That must 14the man who helped you,” said Mom. “We should return it to him.” Finding the man 15out to be easy enough. Coming face-to-face with someone who'd been so kind to me only 16 my guilt. I held back tears.

    I still had a lot of 17  The judge had me 18a community class on road safety and write an essay about how I could improve my driving. Both helped me a lot. By the time I left for 19I was ready for the big world out there. I knew I'd be okay, 20I would be more careful.

A . homework B . housework C . performance D . practice
A . medicine B . water C . money D . food
A . worries B . doubts C . regrets D . notes
A . make B . take C . help D . live
A . dried B . roiled C . shone D . sat
A . over B . under C . beside D . behind
A . black B . blue C . white D . green
A . event B . accident C . change D . experience
A . effort B . comment C . attempt D . mistake
A . told B . frightened C . knocked D . driven
A . Cheerfully B . Amazingly C . Disappointedly D . Impatiently
A . expressing B . offering C . fixing D . assigning
A . destroyed B . attacked C . injured D . ignored
A . c all in B . belong to C . appeal to D . put off
A . brought B . put C . gave D . turned
A . forgot B . showed C . strengthened D . proved
A . chances B . choices C . wonders D . challenges
A . miss B . prepare C . attend D . give
A . college B . work C . hospital D . barbershop
A . while B . because C . though D . until

    Everyone enjoys a fitting reply; it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!

    When I was a senior in high school, I 1 knew I wanted to pursue writing as a career.

    Writing had basically 2 me when I was only 7 years old, 3 since that time, I'd been bombarded(轰炸) by guidance counselors and career planners who all 4 me to have " a back-up-plan" in case writing didn't work out.

    I'd never even 5 a different career path, so I was very 6 and worried. After much thought, I decided 7 would be my "back-up-plan", and I signed up for a class through my high school.

    This8that every morning, I would serve as a teacher's helper for my favorite 6th grade teacher, Mr. Ralston. Morning after morning, I showed up in Mr. Ralston's classroom and9 papers for him.

    Sometimes, I even 10 a lesson or two. It was fun, and the students seemed to like me, so I was surprised when it came time for my 11.Mr. Ralston looked me right in the eyes and asked, "Do you really want to teach?"

    "Had I really been that 12?" I thought.

    "Don't misunderstand. You'll do fine in teaching," he continued. "But, is your 13 really in it?"

    "Not really," I14 "I want to write. I want to write new stories and fiction and poetry and so much more... but I've been told it's tough to make it as a writer 15 I thought maybe I would teach and then use my summers 16 to pursue writing."

    As I shared with Mr. Ralston my hopes, dreams and carefully plotted-out back-up plan, he smiled and said, "Why are you preparing to 17 with this back-up plan? If you want to be a writer, go for it! Pursue writing!"

    Mr. Ralston's 18 to follow my dreams was the little nudge(推动) I decided to help me push past my 19 of not making it as a writer and simply "Go for it!"

    That's what an encouraging word will do when spoken in love in 20 season. So, let's try and be like Mr. Ralston and speak that word of encouragement at just the right time and make a difference in someone's life today.

A . even B . never C . already D . also
A . reminded B . entertained C . accompanied D . chosen
A . or B . and C . for D . but
A . urged B . forced C . taught D . persuaded
A . created B . taken C . considered D . examined
A . embarrassed B . confused C . annoyed D . frightened
A . writing B . teaching C . studying D . editing
A . meant B . showed C . suggested D . revealed
A . read B . set C . graded D . composed
A . reviewed B . skipped C . took D . presented
A . application B . evaluation C . instruction D . qualification
A . obvious B . shallow C . superior D . ambitious
A . eye B . mind C . heart D . focus
A . interrupted B . joked C . admitted D . apologized
A . unless B . if C . because D . so
A . up B . apart C . along D . off
A . fail B . follow C . depart D . compete
A . encouragement B . determination C . tendency D . attempt
A . dreams B . fears C . regrets D . mistakes
A . peak B . low C . proper D . new

    A talented actor, producer, and singer, Will Smith is a success. In fact, his huge success can1back to some valuable lessons life taught him early on.

    Once Will's father2him an outdoor project. He had to rebuild a long 3wall in the yard. He had to4concrete and place one brick at a time, eventually covering the entire wall. Will felt surprised at their father's demand5 he couldn't even think of completing a project as big as this. However, with the 6of "one brick more", he completed it in six months. Will who7was so pessimistic about the job, felt a sense of 8 , and so did his father. Even today when Will thinks that he won't be able to do 9, he looks back to it and10himself, "one brick at a time."

    As a refrigeration engineer, Will's father often11stores to install freezers. Will mostly12his father. During one such visit, both Will and his father were installing a freezer in a supermarket basement and the employees had 13a rat killing solution across the floor. Both Will and his dad went in 14the place for the compressor(压缩机), and they found a dead rat. Will's dad had to 15the exact place where the rat had died; his dad, 16 even the slightest hesitation held the dead rat with his bare hands. He removed the17and fixed the compressor. This taught Will that one should never 18 about life. this made him realize the value of 19and hard work.

    Every successful man is shaped right from his 20. To achieve dreams, one should be disciplined and determined.

A . date B . get C . look D . reflect
A . supported   B . financed C . allocated D . supplied
A . outer B . broken C . grand D . broad
A . mix B . move C . split D . transport
A . though B . whether C . because D . unless
A . help B . exception C . development D . attitude
A . previously B . carelessly C . universally D . gradually
A . belonging B . pride C . reality D . responsibility
A . everything B . nothing C . anything D . something
A . expresses B . accuses C . reminds D . comforts
A . entered B . visited C . opened D . enlarged
A . abused B . understood C . rewarded D . accompanied
A . spread B . found C . overlooked D . avoided
A . giving away B . looking for C . speeding up D . dropping off
A . govern B . consider C . seize D . fix
A . after B . despite C . without D . beyond
A . container B . floor C . solution D . rat
A . go B . leave C . complain D . set
A . determination B . organization C . devotion D . construction
A . adulthood B . childhood C . fatherhood D . brotherhood

    My 4-year-old son now enjoys posting letters. He has formed the 1of drawing pictures, writing his name on them, and then 2 the artwork in an envelope. He then insists on 3his handwork to the neighbors, and a mail box he 4 belongs to the elderly couple who live next door. To be 5, I didn't think much of it, but I had 6 to warn my neighbors of the drawings7 appearing in their letterboxes—I just didn't have the 8 to do so, because I was a little busy recently.

    On Tuesday of last week, I was walking down to school to collect my son when I 9 Mary, my elderly neighbor, 10at her mail box. She said, "Jodie, is it your little son that has been posting items in my letterbox to me?" I was at once11, "Oh yes, Mary, it is. I'm sorry. I meant to tell you…" She cut me off, "Jodie, I just love his mail. I've 12 every item he has sent. You don't know how much 13 the letters has made my day. I just love them." While I was walking down to school after our 14, many thoughts came to me. Mary doesn't have a lot to fill her days, 15 she was a mother to a number of children herself who receives fairly regular visitors. The small 16 of getting some mail—pictures drawn by the hand of a young child—has brought 17to her days, just as my visit to my grandparents does.

    I have decided that my son should 18 this practice. He should also start sending some items to his grandparents in Perth as well. It will most 19 make their day.

    It's doing the little, simple things that can often make a big 20 in someone's life.

A . habit B . attitude C . style D . form
A . hiding B . writing C . drawing D . putting
A . handing B . holding C . posting D . writing
A . opened B . set C . chose D . saw
A . kind B . surprised C . careful D . honest
A . meant B . asked C . hated D . refused
A . actually B . suddenly C . hardly D . partly
A . intelligence B . strength C . money D . time
A . met B . visited C . dated D . called
A . crying B . lying C . laughing D . standing
A . humorous B . embarrassed C . confused D . amused
A . copied B . bought C . kept D . examined
A . receiving B . writing C . painting D . exchanging
A . report B . expression C . talk D . discussion
A . unless B . but C . so D . although
A . charge B . offer C . act D . help
A . worth B . happiness C . value D . future
A . add B . stop C . continue D . form
A . certainly B . unfortunately C . accidentally D . confidently
A . point B . difference C . behaviour D . living

    My 9-year-old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida. We were 1 about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months, and my daughter 2 her Dad terribly.

    As usual on the Charlotte-to-Miami flight, the plane was totally 3. Because we did not get our boarding passes until we 4 at the gate, Kallie and I could not get seats together and were 5 by the aisle (过道). I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me, 6 we could be together. They 7, saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats. Meanwhile, a mother and her three children were in a 8 several rows ahead of us. There had been a mistake in their boarding passes, and 9 the whole family had been split up. The passengers in her row10 refused to move elsewhere. She was very 11 about the younger boy sitting with strangers. She was in tears, yet nobody 12 to help her. There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军) on 13. Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said, “Ma'am, I think we can help you.” He then14 five minutes rearranging his group so that enough space was  15 for the family. The boys followed his directions cheerfully and without 16, and the mother's relief was obvious.

    Kallie, however, was beginning to panic at the 17of not being next to me. I told her that there wasn't anything I could do. 18, the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster, 19to me and asked, “Would you and your daughter like our seats?” 20 to himself and the Scoutmaster. We traded seats and continued our trip, very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie's window sea.

A . eager B . anxious C . excited D . worried
A . loved B . considered C . imagined D . missed
A . full B . crowded C . empty D . overweight
A . reached B . arrived C . landed D . knocked
A . divided B . blocked C . separated D . connected
A . in case B . even if C . as if D . so that
A . prevented B . refused C . agreed D . promised
A . panic B . hurry C . rush D . seat
A . however B . otherwise C . therefore D . instead
A . too B . also C . ever D . even
A . concerned B . curious C . particular D . content
A . suggested B . offered C . provided D . supplied
A . duty B . watch C . board D . spot
A . took B . cost C . paid D . spent
A . suitable B . available C . probable D . comfortable
A . permission B . excuse C . apology D . complaint
A . thought B . end C . feeling D . sense
A . Immediately B . Puzzlingly C . Clearly D . Amazingly
A . turned up B . turned around C . turned out D . turned away
A . sticking B . keeping C . waving D . referring

    Choose what you want to do, and don't stop until getting there. You can1beyond your wildest dreams.

    My goal for myself last year was to2a half marathon (马拉松). I was inspired by the runners in the world, seeing them run a half then3a full marathon, seeing my parents-in-law's4as they told me about their upcoming marathon. I knew I wanted to do a half.

    I completed my first 10k last April. Feeling happy, I5to take the next step and sign up for the Hampton's Half in September. As the marathon drew near, I became more6. I just didn't think that I was7to be a runner, I had never been8at running. Why suddenly could I do it now? 13.1 miles was further than anything I ever dreamed of. Unexpectedly, a month before the9I hurt my hamstring (脚筋) seriously one rainy night.10, I felt somehow relieved. Now I had a good11not to run. I didn't have to feel12when I couldn't finish, because I could simply explain that I had hurt myself and could no longer13. It was like a weight had been14from my shoulders.

    My attitude finally changed I believe that I can do anything, and my body is15to do amazing things. I signed up for the DC Cherry Blossom 10 miler with some friends, and with all of them16me, I couldn't draw back. Unfortunately, while training hard, I was again17, I hurt my knee in an accident and couldn't ran for months. The thought of using it as an excuse that I couldn't run came across my18but I threw it away after a couple of minutes. On that exciting day I19it to the finishing line, though not a good result. The20distance I've ever run, one I had never thought possible.

A . succeed B . stress C . hesitate D . admire
A . research B . organize C . run D . host
A . compare B . dislike C . match D . complete
A . disappointment B . regret C . excitement D . pain
A . refused B . decided C . agreed D . begged
A . nervous B . bored C . confident D . delighted
A . allowed B . encouraged C . forced D . meant
A . bad B . good C . slow D . amazed
A . training B . meeting C . exam D . match
A . However B . Meanwhile C . Otherwise D . Still
A . time B . chance C . excuse D . place
A . important B . frightened C . proud D . puzzled
A . jump up B . give up C . take part D . stand out
A . separated B . protected C . borrowed D . removed
A . willing B . energetic C . sensitive D . afraid
A . against B . beside C . between D . before
A . injured B . punished C . invited D . fired
A . eyes B . faces C . mind D . stomach
A . carried B . made C . threw D . failed
A . farthest B . shortest C . worst D . easiest

    2-year-old Truett Palmer was born in Missouri, with a genetic disorder and an inborn(先天的)1disease. He has2from more than a dozen surgeries, including three open hears surgeries and a heart transplant. One thing Truett3during his most recent hospital stay was weekly visits from a therapy dog named Zuri. The dog was a Goldendoodle with curly hair and it was just kind of4. Truett has sensory issues and he5anyone touching his feet, but with Zuri, he would just run his feet through her fur. When Truett was with Zuri, it seemed the world didn't6.

    After Truett left the hospital, his mom Danielle began7getting a Goldendoole for him, but found the breed(品种)especially8. "Financially, going through a transplant and hospital stay, it wasn't going to work out in our9," she said. Danielle10Truett' story and dream on Facebook, hoping there would be a miracle.

    In Seattle, Gray, a nursing student, lived alone on several acres surrounded only by her dogs. One of Gray's beloved dog just had puppies and she'd love to11one child with special needs a(n)12friend in time for Christmas. When she13Truett's story, she knew he would be the new14of the puppy. "He's got15more than I could possibly imagine. Seeing how strong he is and how positive his family is about that all. I am deeply moved." Gray said.

    Following a(n)16effort by Gray and the Palmer family to transport Zeda17state lines, the Goldendoodle puppy was in Truett's arms just in time for Christmas morning. "He was so excited." Danielle said. "You could just see the18on his face the moment she's placed on his lap. He's just so happy and19her his baby. They're just best friends."

    Truett is now on the road to good health and20to his transplanted heart well. Danielle says she hopes their story will encourage others to consider organ donation.

A . lung B . heart C . kidney D . eye
A . experienced B . undergone C . resulted D . suffered
A . took part in B . turned down C . look forward to D . dealt with
A . different B . patient C . gentle D . helpful
A . dislikes B . enjoys C . disapproves D . keeps
A . appear B . exist C . change D . stop
A . planning B . arranging C . considering D . permitting
A . expensive B . affordable C . economic D . modest
A . schedule B . hospital C . background D . budget
A . reported B . focused C . posted D . found
A . gift B . sell C . buy D . meet
A . novel B . furry C . old D . certain
A . took down B . looked for C . compared with D . came across
A . shelter B . guide C . owner D . employee
A . along B . through C . away D . down
A . worried B . accepted C . thrilled D . combined
A . on B . beneath C . into D . across
A . shock B . disgust C . joy D . sorrow
A . told B . called C . explained D . claimed
A . adjusting B . devoting C . referring D . using
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。

    After graduation, Susan was asked to become the executive director of the Floating Hospital. She 1 at first, as it was a very big job and she didn't know if she could 2 it. But finally, she 3. While her job was rewarding, she soon got tired of it. When she sat at her desk one day, an idea 4 to her that she wanted to go down to the New School for Social Research. 5 she was learning to trust her intuition (直觉), she decided to have a go.

    Without any forethought, she titled the 6 "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway". Susan was 7 as she faced the first session of the twelve-week course. The two hours went well, but she then was 8 with a new fear, for she didn't know what to teach the next week. But every week she found she had more to say. And her 9 level grew. She realized she had learned so much over the years about 10 fear. And her students were drinking it up. At the end of the course, they were 11 at how shifting their thinking really changed their lives.

    Susan 12 decided to write a book based on the course she had taught. She faced many roadblocks. And after four agents and fifteen 13 from various publishers, she 14 put the proposal (申请) in a drawer.

    After three years of writing, she was going through the drawer that 15 her rejected (拒收) book proposal. Picking it up, she had a strong 16 that she held something in her hands that many people 17 to read. So, she set out with much 18 to find a publisher who believed in her book the 19 way she did. This time, she succeeded. She succeeded 20 her wildest dreams.

    She was so happy she followed her heart and never gave up overcoming fears that stood in her way.

A . admitted B . wondered C . hesitated D . recognized
A . give B . handle C . get D . have
A . explained B . paused C . ignored D . agreed
A . occurred B . applied C . led D . belonged
A . While B . Since C . If D . Though
A . book B . talk C . speech D . course
A . nervous B . energetic C . sad D . mad
A . armed B . provided C . pleased D . challenged
A . balance B . confidence C . happiness D . success
A . handing over B . taking over C . getting over D . looking over
A . relieved B . puzzled C . amused D . astonished
A . finally B . gradually C . completely D . actually
A . applications B . rejections C . occupations D . organizations
A . hopefully B . swiftly C . unluckily D . unwillingly
A . held B . emptied C . removed D . supported
A . support B . love C . sense D . regret
A . happened B . afforded C . offered D . needed
A . determination B . realization C . satisfaction D . imagination
A . right B . ideal C . same D . obvious
A . within B . beyond C . through D . behind

Eldrick Tiger Woods, nicknamed ''Tiger'', is probably the most famous golfer in his days. It was he who first made golf a global 1 and it was practice that made Tiger Woods a champion golfer.

When he was very young, Tiger Woods 2 golf. Since then, he played it whenever he had the chance. 3 with other children of his age, he showed special interest in golf. Finding that his son had a 4 for this game, Tiger's father decided to 5 him on his own. To his father's surprise, Tiger was a(n) 6 golfer even at the age of 6.

However, being a child, Tiger couldn't focus all the time, 7 he never gave up. Tiger listened to soft music to improve his 8. His father helped him learn to focus in spite of the  9. Sometimes his father stood in front of Tiger and said, ''I'm a tree in your way, '' He would have to hit the ball 10 his father. Sometimes his father would dance and sing when it was Tiger's turn to hit and Tiger had to focus on the 11.

The training helped him. Once a 12 made a loud noise while Tiger was playing. He said he never heard the broadcast because he was so 13 on the game. Tiger cannot 14 losing. If he loses, he will go out and 15 even harder in order not to make the same mistake.

In the year 2000, when he was 24 years old, he 16 four major golf competitions—the US Open, the US Amateur, the British Open and the British Amateur. But during the 2008 season it became clear that Tiger was 17 pain in his knee. In April his knee was operated on and he 18 the PGA (美国职业高尔夫球协会) tour season. After an eight-month period of 19 he returned to play again in February 2009. He didn't make his fans 20—he won again.

He is so much better than the other golfers that some say he is the greatest golfer to ever play the game.

A . action B . practice C . sport D . exercise
A . looked up B . set up C . took up D . gave up
A . Mixed B . Competing C . Playing D . Compared
A . trick B . plan C . skill D . gift
A . train B . save C . stop D . raise
A . lucky B . common C . excellent D . careful
A . and B . but C . so D . as
A . confidence B . strength C . patience D . speed
A . disturbance B . carelessness C . determination D . failure
A . against B . under C . onto D . over
A . music B . ball C . dance D . ground
A . teammate B . kid C . radio D . fan
A . curious B . happy C . relied D . concentrated
A . tolerate B . forget C . understand D . recognize
A . cry B . practice C . think D . argue
A . judged B . watched C . conducted D . won
A . examining B . avoiding C . suffering D . reducing
A . missed B . offered C . escaped D . joined
A . research B . rest C . learning D . traveling
A . worried B . troubled C . surprised D . disappointed

I used to travel to make myself relaxed. Two years ago, I was rather busy with my business and under a lot of 1, so I went to Las Vegas for a holiday.

When I was on holiday, a(n)2 suddenly came to me. I had long wished to pay a visit to the Greek island of Santorini. Therefore, the idea of a two­week European 3 alone was born.

I'd driven alone across the US before, but traveling to other countries whose languages aren't the same as mine 4  me. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to 5 with anyone.

But I soon 6  that if I wanted to follow my dreams, I had to step out of my comfort area. If I let 7 take control of me, I'd get nowhere.

As I was in search of more places visit on my trip, I found Mykonos, Greece, which I 8  just as much as I liked Santorini. When I arrived in 9, it was like I was in a dream.

What I appreciated best was the bus ride to Venice. As I rode the bus and enjoyed every new thing I saw, I was completely 10 from the pressure of my work. How 11 it was to see people riding their bikes to the 12 they would like to go to!

Some people might say, "It's not a big 13; it's just Venice. Thousands of people go there every day." But is was more than that to me. It was about having a 14 and when it was time for it to come true, don't let it 15.

A . joy B . pressure C . loss D . pain
A . idea B . incident C . stranger D . invitation
A . stay B . research C . vacation D . study
A . attracted B . frightened C . surprised D . interested
A . agree B . play C . communicate D . travel
A . realized B . responded C . selected D . suggested
A . fear B . pride C . anger D . eagerness
A . explored B . visited C . doubted D . liked
A . Asia B . Europe C . America D . Africa
A . tired B . lost C . different D . free
A . threatening B . generous C . impressive D . nice
A . castles B . places C . campus D . homeland
A . deal B . reality C . order D . ending
A . business B . dream C . challenge D . journey
A . explore B . decrease C . go D . happen

My wife and I moved into our home two years ago. We had a 1 with a lot of rocks. Very often when we have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocks, just to 2 some color to the area.

Last summer, I found a tiny little plant in the yard that I could not immediately 3. I knew I didn't plant it and Denise said she didn't either. We decided to let it continue 4 until we could find out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the strange 5, it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to 6 the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something 7. The sunflower had not started where I saw it begin. It 8 had begun under a big 9 and grown under and around it to reach the 10.

That's when I 11 that if a tiny little sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its 12 of developing, we also have the 13 to do the same thing. If we believe in ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we 14 to go and get what we need for growth.

We need to 15 ourselves knowing we have the ability to achieve our goals. Like the 16, it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had 17 in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be 18 of who and what we are, then the environment will begin to 19 us. We will find a way to go under or around any “rocks” in order to 20 our goals.

A . field B . farm C . yard D . pool
A . add B . limit C . devote D . prefer
A . use B . replace C . identify D . consult
A . standing B . growing C . improving D . increasing
A . plant B . house C . seed D . tree
A . watch B . tend C . remove D . collect
A . wonderful B . valuable C . terrible D . unusual
A . completely B . actually C . eventually D . gradually 
A . tree B . table C . rock D . wall
A . air B . top C . water D . sun
A . realized B . admitted C . recognized D . hoped
A . place B . process C . course D . way 
A . idea B . dream C . chance D . ability
A . aim B . forget C . hate D . wait
A . care for B . believe in C . nod to D . equip with
A . weed B . sunflower C . home D . summer
A . energy B . love C . faith D . courage
A . aware B . afraid C . tired D . proud
A . support B . affect C . like D . praise
A . set B . reach C . shoot D . kick

One month ago my kind grandmother, Nonie, was put into hospice(临终安养院). This was as much a (n) 1 as anything, since it 2 her to go home with what she needed, rather than being 3 in the hospital. It wasn't clear whether or not she was all that close to 4 . My mother said it could be a 5 still or it could be any time. My parents 6 I should pick a proper time to visit her in New York.

Three weekends were possible for me to make a 7 in the coming months: October 20th, November 10th, or December 1st. The 8 in October was certainly the least convenient as I was pretty 9, and I'd have to get all the arrangements in order very 10. But I chose it because if I waited just out of11, and Nonie died before I saw her, I'd never 12 myself. It turns out I did the 13 thing. When her driver came to pick her up today around noon, Nonie passed out, and never14 .

My trip was a 15 one, but I got to spend a full day and a half 16 next to her and asking her questions. Some questions got more 17 answers. I wanted to know more about her and my grandpa's love story and how they can stay happily 18 for nearly 70 years, dedicated to each other until the very end.

My grandpa got dementia(痴呆),and he almost19 everything slowly. 20, for years he still remembered Nonie. He died two years ago, and Nonie told me she'd been asking the Lord to take her ever since.

A . business B . decision C . discussion D . exchange
A . advised B . promised C . required D . allowed
A . stuck B . settled C . stopped D . put
A . danger B . death C . existence D . nature
A . minute B . day C . while D . decade
A . ordered B . commanded C . appealed D . suggested
A . routine B . schedule C . trip D . design
A . workday B . term C . weekend D . date
A . busy B . free C . easy D . flexible
A . constantly B . endlessly C . gradually D . quickly
A . arrangement B . convenience C . connection D . requirement
A . express B . devote C . forgive D . support
A . right B . normal C . reliable D . wrong
A . turned up B . stood up C . made up D . woke up
A . short B . unique C . grateful D . casual
A . standing B . lying C . sitting D . resting
A . usual B . popular C . curious D . fruitful
A . married B . moved C . united D . determined
A . confirmed B . forgot C . doubted D . witnessed
A . Therefore B . Otherwise C . Moreover D . However

Even though it was only October, my students were already talking about Christmas plans. With each passing day, everyone became more 1, waiting for the final school bell. As soon as the bell 2, everyone would run out of school and go home, everyone except David.

David was a small boy in ragged (破烂的) clothes. I had often 3 what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so 4 for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David 5. I can still remember he was always 6 a smile and willing to help. He always7 after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He 8  just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly9home.

Weeks passed and the 10 grew into restlessness with the coming Christmas until the last day of 11 before the holiday break. I smiled in 12  when the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David 13 standing by my desk

“I have something for you,” he said and 14 a small box from behind his back. He 15  it to me and he said worriedly, “ Open it. ” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped (打开) it. I lifted the lid (盖子) and to my 16 saw nothing. I looked at David's smiling face and looked back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but it's 17 .”

“Oh no it isn't, ”said David. “It's full of love. My mum told me before she died that love is something that you couldn't see or touch unless you know it's there.”

Tears filled my eyes 18 I looked at the proud dirty face that I had seldom given19 to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning 20 the little empty box that I put on my desk.

A . excited B . courageous C . serious D . careful
A . shouted B . rang C . called D . yelled
A . thought B . wanted to know C . realized D . learned
A . modestly (谦虚地) B . unnaturally C . uncomfortably D . improperly (不恰当的)
A . popular B . upset C . special D . funny
A . expressing B . delivering (运送) C . wearing (面带) D . sharing
A . practiced B . wandered C . studied D . stayed
A . would B . should C . might D . could
A . stare at (凝视) B . turn to C . put off D . head for (前往)
A . pavement B . excitement C . movement D . judgment
A . school B . year C . education D . program
A . relief (欣慰) B . return C . reality(现实) D . control
A . weakly B . sadly C . quietly D . helplessly
A . searched B . found C . spotted D . pulled
A . held B . handed C . sent D . left
A . joy B . expectation C . appreciation D . surprise
A . cheap B . empty C . useless D . improper
A . as B . until C . because D . though
A . advice B . support C . attention D . command
A . under B . behind C . over D . towards

Fourth-grader, Sarah Haycox, made it her mission to right a wrong. And in doing so, she has shown the world what one 1 person, with passion, can do.

One day, when 2 by an athletic field near her school, Sarah noticed a small3with the name Edwin T. Pratt and the year 1930 - 1969 on it. She4 who he was and what he did.

After some 5, she learned that he was a civil rights leader who had done many good things to 6 others. Sadly, he was 7 just because someone disagreed with what he was doing.

Feeling that the small memorial was 8 big enough for a man who had so much 9on others, Sarah 10 to do something!

There was a new 11 going up nearby for young kids. She found out who were 12 the building project and asked them if it could be named after Mr. Pratt. Through great efforts, her vision came to reality! Almost 50 years after his death, Edwin Pratt's life and impact will be celebrated as the name of the new school.

Most kids simply had walked by the memorial without thinking about who Mr. Pratt was. But Sarah had the 13 to learn more, the vision to imagine something better and the courage to 14 her idea. Her amazing actions have15 many other young people around the world.

A . honest B . young C . clever D . shy
A . walking B . running C . riding D . driving
A . museum B . church C . board D . memorial
A . forgot B . realized C . wondered D . explained
A . discussion B . research C . practice D . thought
A . teach B . rescue C . help D . repay
A . killed B . punished C . blamed D . arrested
A . rarely B . simply C . merely D . hardly
A . impact B . impression C . reflection D . dependence
A . stopped B . decided C . happened D . announced
A . library B . theatre C . school D . hospital
A . in need of B . in search of C . in favour of D . in charge of
A . curiosity B . confidence C . chance D . energy
A . prove B . change C . present D . pursue
A . astonished B . inspired C . attracted D . protected

On Christmas Eve and Christmas day I found myself alone, but I knew I would have more things to do. I had 1 bags of necessities (必需品) for homeless people days before with the idea of 2 the things during the cold weather we were 3. Thus, on Christmas Eve I went out to find people who needed something to give them 4 for their lives.

My plastic bags 5 some food with a Christmas card which 6 "No matter how bad things get, remember that somebody 7 you." I had about 35 of these bags and set out. Soon I saw a(n) 8 woman walking in a bright orange coat 9 a shopping cart(购物车). She looked well 10 and sad, but she had a dog in the basket. I gave her a gift bag and asked her 11 she had a place to stay tonight. She said that as a matter of fact she did not. She

12 that she had stayed the night before at a motel 6 up the street, but that morning her 13could not walk so she called 911 and he was taken away. She said that the church where her husband had retired as minister was helping but they had 14 funds.

I 15 the hospital to find out how her husband was, since she had no 16. He was being treated for an infection and was OK. I went to the hotel 6 and asked what was the 17 they could give her a room for. The answer was $64.I was 18. But I paid for a room for her and her dog and told her I would 19 for her and her husband to get housing soon and for his 20. She thanked me over and over when I left. I was so glad to have run into her on the street.

A . admired B . prepared C . balanced D . accounted
A . making out B . giving out C . setting out D . turning out
A . avoiding B . enjoying C . experiencing D . preventing
A . hope B . measure C . chance D . decision
A . surrounded B . contained C . supported D . exported
A . passed B . found C . saw D . read
A . watches B . notices C . loves D . leads
A . elderly B . strong C . strange D . friendly
A . guiding B . feeling C . pushing D . showing
A . easy B . happy C . tired D . sunny
A . when B . why C . where D . if
A . stated B . defended C . cheated D . charged
A . student B . husband C . friend D . neighbor
A . run out of B . broken out C . taken out D . picked out
A . changed B . dropped C . called D . told
A . cash B . key C . phone D . money
A . best B . cheapest C . biggest D . worst
A . relaxed B . excited C . delighted D . shocked
A . hunt B . search C . pray D . apply
A . health B . work C . study D . freedom


""Mama, when I grow up, I'm going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my 1took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was 2to more, my interests in the world of dance 3 varied but that little girl's dream of someday becoming a 4 in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a 5 ; I became a member of the company 6back to 1925.

As I look back on that day now, it surely 7any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief 8 I was halfway through rehearsals on my first day. I never actually 9 to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely10. I remember shaking with excitement.

Though I was thrilled with the change, it did not come without its fair share of 11 . Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to 12 up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme 13 to detail and stress on practice that set us 14. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals with a 15 show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new 16 of the words "hard work.” What I thought were my physical 17 were pushed much further than I thought 18. I learned to make each performance better than the last.

Today, when I look at the incredible company that I have the great 19 of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a 20 that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow - and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.

A . hobby B . plan C . dream D . word
A . connected B . expanded C . exposed D . extended
A . rarely B . certainly C . probably D . consistently
A . director B . trainer C . leader D . dancer
A . symbol B . memory C . truth D . reality
A . bouncing B . dating C . turning D . tracking
A . lacks B . adds C . makes D . brings
A . while B . since C . until D . when
A . cared B . expected C . asked D . decided
A . motivated B . relaxed C . convinced D . astonished
A . challenges B . profits C . advantages D . adventures
A . put B . mix C . build D . pick
A . attention B . association C . attraction D . adaptation
A . apart B . aside C . off D . back
A . fancy B . diverse C . tight D . massive
A . function B . meaning C . expression D . usage
A . boundaries B . problems C . barriers D . efforts
A . necessary B . perfect C . proper D . possible
A . talent B . honor C . potential D . responsibility
A . victory B . trend C . tradition D . desire
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。

No one is born a winner. People make themselves into winners by their own1.

I learned this lesson from a(n)2many years ago. I took the head3job at a school in Baxley, Georgia. It was a small school with a weak football program.

It was a tradition for the school, s old team to play against the4team at the end of spring practice. The old team had no coach, and they didn, t even practice to5the game. Being the coach of the new team, I was excited because I knew we were going to win, but to my disappointment we were defeated (打败). I couldn, t6I had got into such a situation. Thinking hard about it, I came to7that my team might not be the number one team in Georgia, but they were8me. I had to change my9about their ability and potential (潜能).

I started doing anything I could to help them build a little10. Most important,

I began to treat them like11. That summer, when the other teams enjoyed their12, we met every day and13passing and kicking the football.

Six months after suffering our14on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to15. Finally, we faced the number one team in the state. I felt that it would be a16for us even if we lost the game. But that wasn't what happened. My boys beat the best team in Georgia, giving me one of the greatest17of my life!

From the experience I learnt a lot about how the attitude of the leader can18the members of a team. Instead of seeing my boys as losers, I pushed and19them. I helped them to see themselves20, and they built themselves into winners.

Winners are made, but born.

A . luck B . tests C . nature D . efforts
A . experiment B . experience C . visit D . show
A . operating B . editing C . consulting D . coaching
A . successful B . excellent C . strong D . new
A . cheer for B . prepare for C . help with D . finish with
A . believe B . agree C . describe D . regret
A . realize B . gather C . permit D . demand
A . reacting to B . looking for C . depending on D . caring about
A . decision B . attitude C . benefit D . patience
A . pride B . culture C . fortune D . relationship
A . leaders B . partners C . winners D . learners
A . awards B . vacations C . health D . honor
A . risked B . missed C . considered D . practiced
A . defeat B . harvest C . accident D . mistake
A . relax B . improve C . expand D . defend
A . debt B . trick C . victory D . favor
A . chances B . excitement C . frustration D . offers
A . surprise B . serve C . interest D . influence
A . encouraged B . observed C . protected D . impressed
A . honestly B . individually C . differently D . calmly
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I was eighteen years old and I was the golden girl. I was president of the college drama society, a member of the student senate(大学理事会) and so on. I was the 1 of all my friends and I was in a state of pride.

The old Greek tragedies 2 us that when pride rises, punishment falls. My universe 3 with great suddenness. The scenery(舞台布景道具)fell on my head and I was left almost blind for the next four months.

My memory was in a mess and within a few months all my 4 were taken away. I was ever told that I would have to leave the college at the end of the spring term 5 clearly, I couldn't do academic work.

Sad, I took one last course by Dr. Jacob Taubes. He was the most brilliant teacher I had ever 6 and in his class, I began to raise a tentative(试探性的) 7 and ask an occasional question. He would answer with great intensity. And soon I found myself asking 8 questions constantly.

One day I was walking to the bus when I heard Dr. Taubes 9 me, "Miss Houston, let me walk with you. You know. you have a most 10 mind. "

"Me? I have a mind?"

"Yes, of course." Then he asked my understanding of some problems discussed in the classes.

From that day on, Dr. Taubes continued to 11 me to the bus, always 12 me with intellectually vigorous questions. Within several weeks my eyesight came back and my spirit bloomed.

Although what I acquired from this experience was a 13 sense of life, I remain deeply 14 for the attention Dr. Taubes had shown. He acknowledged me when I most needed it. I swore then that I would try to 15 and acknowledge the unlucky person as I had been acknowledged.

A . aim B . envy C . fan D . hero
A . inform B . warn C . guarantee D . explain
A . cut off B . turned down C . got through D . broke down
A . offices B . memories C . senses D . emotions
A . until B . after C . when D . since
A . attached B . contributed C . experienced D . longed
A . head B . hand C . arm D . voice
A . extra B . fewer C . additional D . more
A . addressing B . reminding C . asking D . shouting
A . complex B . strange C . interesting D . disappointed
A . walk B . follow C . lead D . invite
A . treating B . challenging C . entertaining D . accompanying
A . tragic B . comic C . opposite D . magic
A . encouraged B . grateful C . satisfied D . guilty
A . send B . reserve C . reach D . sacrifice

I work in a middle school. It is pleasant for me to plant in my free time. At the beginning of the school year, I had an idea—what if my students used a classroom 1 to grow vegetables for our school lunches? The students could 2 learn about planting science.

I asked my headmaster 3 I could start a new plant lab garden (植物实验花园). I was only in my second year of 4, but she agreed.

As soon as my students went into the classroom, they got 5. They all wanted to learn how to grow vegetables in this way of indoor gardening called hydroponics (水培). This is great for areas that don't have 6 farmland. It helps people to grow healthy vegetables just about anywhere.

To grow 45 beds of green vegetables, we need many things 7 growing cups, LED growing lights, fans, a water pump (水泵) and so on. Although the students failed for the first time, none of them 8. They kept on trying until they finally succeeded. It was interesting for them to watch the vegetables grow every day. And they all smiled 9 when seeing students in other classes eat the vegetables they grew. My students' new goal is that our school won't need to 10 green vegetables any more.

A . desk B . computer C . garden D . blackboard
A . ever B . also C . never D . only
A . if B . why C . how D . what
A . waiting B . growing C . learning D . teaching
A . tired B . excited C . sleepy D . interesting
A . much B . many C . few D . little
A . into B . with C . like D . for
A . gave back B . gave out C . gave away D . gave up
A . proudly B . angrily C . loudly D . politely
A . sell B . buy C . wash D . cook